Thursday, March 4, 2021

Fwd: Driving the Rav; 13-Year-Old Maggid Shiur; Sin for the Ages

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2021, 8:23 PM
Subject: Driving the Rav; 13-Year-Old Maggid Shiur; Sin for the Ages
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Maos Chitim 5781/2021—Step Up and Help Put Food on Others' Passover Tables
Maos Chitim 5781/2021—Step Up and Help Put Food on Others' Passover Tables
Orthodox Union

As the pandemic persists, help for those in need is more important than ever. Please donate to the OU's maos chitim campaign today.

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Meet Charlie, the 13-Year-Old Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur
Meet Charlie, the 13-Year-Old Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur
All Daf

Watch the incredible story of a Teaneck yeshiva student who gives a Daf Yomi shiur to his friends using the All Daf app as a resource.

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PARSHAT KI TISA March 5-6, 2021 / 22 Adar 5781


HAFTARAH Ezekiel 36:16-36:38


THIS SHABBAT Parshat Parah

Around the OU
Driving the Rav
Driving the Rav
Rabbi Lewis Wienerkur as told to Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

How a kid from Queens ended up serving as the Rav's meshareis. From the Spring 2021 issue of Jewish Action.

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How Much Do You Know About Liquor for Pesach?
How Much Do You Know About Liquor for Pesach?
OU Kosher

The special edition of Daf HaKashrus for Passover explores liquor and liqueur for Pesach. Explore the types of liquor, test your alcohol-related knowledge and more.

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Pesach Ideas and Inspiration
Pesach Ideas and Inspiration
OU Women's Initiative

Join the OU Women's Initiative for five presentations on Torah, art, history, and preparing for Pesach.

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OU Welcomes US Senate's Introduction of Federal Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Act
OU Welcomes US Senate's Introduction of Federal Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Act
OU Advocacy

Spearheaded by the OU Advocacy Center and a coalition of nonprofit groups, the bill would establish a new pilot program providing $10 million each year for the next five years for nonprofits.

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Last Chance to Get Your Game On
Last Chance to Get Your Game On

Last chance for young professionals to join OU-JLIC's JLIConnections for a virtual night of DIY curated cocktails and game rooms.

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See You Monday at the Virtual Impact Accelerator Demo Day
See You Monday at the Virtual Impact Accelerator Demo Day
Impact Accelerator

Watch as the outgoing participants demonstrate their impact for improving our Jewish communal future.

RSVP Today
Why is There a Coffee Advertisement at your Seder? The Story of the Berry that Looked Like a Bean
Why is There a Coffee Advertisement at your Seder? The Story of the Berry that Looked Like a Bean
SPIRIT Initiative

Elie Rosenfeld, CEO of Joseph Jacobs Advertising, guides you through his experience working on the storied Maxwell House Haggadah.

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The Inevitable Comedown
The Inevitable Comedown
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

We will experience "highs," but we must expect the inevitable "comedown." And we must hang in there and try and try again to recapture those "highs."

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Twenty Questions Part 1: Women, Mourners, Bar Mitzvah Boys and More
Twenty Questions Part 1: Women, Mourners, Bar Mitzvah Boys and More
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

This edition of "All About Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum" addresses common questions about different types of people fulfilling this mitzvah.

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How Leaders Fail
How Leaders Fail
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

As we have seen in previous Torah portions, leadership is marked by failure. It is the recovery that is the true measure of a leader.

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Relating Directly to God
Relating Directly to God
Mrs. Shayna Goldberg

Enjoy this d'var Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Why Is This Vessel Different?
Why Is This Vessel Different?
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why is the mitzvah of constructing the kiyor, the wash basin for the kohanim, included in parshat Ki Tisa and not with the rest of the Mishkan's vessels in parshat Terumah?

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A Sin for the Ages
A Sin for the Ages
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

For Jewish belief to be a valuable component of our lives we must allow that belief to challenge and shape our existence.

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What Happens if One Misses Hearing a Word of Parshas Parah?
What Happens if One Misses Hearing a Word of Parshas Parah?
OU Kosher

This Shabbos we will read parshas Parah. What happens if one missed hearing a word of parshas Parah? Must one find another minyan and listen to parshas Parah again?

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Featured Page: Rootstock Cider and Spirits
Featured Page: Rootstock Cider and Spirits
OU Kosher

Rootstock Cider and Spirits offers a wide range of ciders and spirits. They make a vodka distilled entirely from apples, and offer a range of flavored vodkas for mixologists to work with, whether at home or behind the bar.

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Community Events
Have COVID-19 Vaccine Questions? Join the Virtual Town Hall
Have COVID-19 Vaccine Questions? Join the Virtual Town Hall

The Orthodox Union is one of many organizations hosting this event with Dr. Peter Marks of the FDA. Join us on Sunday, March 7, at 8:30 PM EST.

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featured products
The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening
The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening
OU Press

This commentary on the Haggadah, which draws from the entire corpus of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's writings and lectures, has been expertly and lovingly edited by Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of OU Kashrus Division and devoted disciple of the Rav.

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OU Torah Sefer HaMitzvot – Rabbi Shalom Rosner
OU Torah Sefer HaMitzvot – Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Orthodox Union

The OU Torah Sefer HaMitzvot flash drive features Rabbi Shalom Rosner's shiurim.

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Part Time Accountant (Canada NCSY)
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Yachad NJ Program Director
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