Thursday, March 4, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 20 Adar 5781/March 4, 2021

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Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2021, 5:09 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 20 Adar 5781/March 4, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
March 4, 2021 - 20 Adar 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • Navigating the mute and video buttons on Zoom, rather than the halls of the Capitol Building in Albany, was a new experience for those participating in Agudah's Albany Day. But just as the need for advocacy continues during a pandemic, so do the advocates. See below for more.

  • The Agudah Voting Project was pleased to welcome NYC mayoral candidate Andrew Yang for a town hall, and thanks him for a robust and instructive conversation. See below for more details.

  • Video Update from the Agudah: Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's director of New York government relations gives an update on the Agudah's virtual Albany Day, and the Agudah Voting Project townhall with NYC mayoral candidate Andrew Yang. See below to watch.

  • PCS will be having a virtual open house for their upcoming accounting course this Sunday, March 7. See below for more details.
In the Capitol on Zoom: 
Agudah's Albany Day Continues  
By Miri Szpilzinger
Navigating the mute and video buttons on Zoom, rather than the halls of the Capitol Building in Albany, was a new experience for those participating in Agudah's Albany Day. But just as the need for advocacy continues during a pandemic, so do the advocates. The platform may be different but the work stays the same. 

The second installment of the Agudah's "Albany Day" series focused on Far Rockaway and Long Island legislators and residents. Constituents and members of the Yeshiva and nonpublic school education community, representing thousands of students, joined to discuss with their legislators important issues that their communities are currently facing. 

Participants in the Albany Day meeting discussed with their local legislators the problem of budget cuts to Mandated Services Aid (MSA) in this year's executive budget. More importantly, representatives from Long Island schools stressed the unique threat that private schools would face if the proposed change in the language of the law is implemented. What's at stake is that future budget cuts to the allocation of funds to nonpublic schools would be allowed, and leave them with no way of recovering the funding. Other items discussed include immunization recordkeeping reimbursements, STEM funding, busing cost reimbursements, and obtaining busing services for Long Island schools for their students from the New York City area. 

Today's virtual meetings were attended by Senators Joseph Addabo, Leroy Comrie, Todd Kaminsky, Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer-Amatto and staff members of Senator Anna Kaplan and Assemblywoman Judy Griffin. 

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's director of New York government relations, said, "There are certainly challenges that come along with holding Albany Day virtually over Zoom, but engagement, participation, and willingness to listen to us and work with us on important issues from the legislators has not been one. We thank them for making themselves available and look forward to continuing our relationships with them and their staff." 

This year's virtual Albany Days will conclude with Hudson Valley constituents meeting with local legislators on Tuesday, March 9th.
 Andrew Yang Joins an Agudah Voting Project Town Hall 
The Agudah Voting Project was pleased to host a town hall with New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang as part of its series of town halls with candidates running for public office. 

Mr. Yang participated in a robust conversation in which he spoke about his vision for New York City, what he would do to bring business back to the city, his personal relationship with the Jewish community, and his general approach to crafting policy and getting work done. Advocates from the community asked Mr. Yang questions about how he would deal with the current downturn in the economy, rise in violent crime, anti-Semitism, and other important issues currently facing New York City and the Orthodox Jewish communities there. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel, expressed appreciation to Mr. Yang for standing up for the often misunderstood yeshiva community. 

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's director of New York government relations, said, "We would like to thank Mr. Yang for taking the time to join us for such an important and instructive conversation." 

The Agudah Voting Project has held virtual town events previously with mayoral candidates Eric Adams, Kathryn Garcia and Maya Wiley and is looking forward to town halls scheduled for additional candidates in the coming weeks.
Video Update from New York
Click here or on the image below to watch.
 Is Accounting a Career Option for You? Join the PCS Virtual Open House 
This Sunday, March 7th, at 6:00 EST, PM, PCS will be holding a virtual open house for its master's of science in accounting program, now offering options for students from out-of-town and Israel.

Earning a master's degree can be a valuable tool for advancement in the business world, but the atmosphere in a standard college can be trying and inappropriate. In order to address this hurdle, Agudath Israel's PCS Division, in conjunction with Fairleigh Dickinson University, is proud to offer a quality accounting certification within the comfort of our community.   

A master's in accounting from PCS is an investment for the future. Farleigh Dickinson University is one of the top accounting programs in the country. Graduates have been placed in top national firms as comptrollers and CFOs.
PCS also has a 96% placement success rate. With seven placement directors and decades of relationships with top firms, PCS works non-stop to ensure their students have the job security they need to grow in the business.  

To learn more about a stable, lucrative parnassah, with high-paying, flexible opportunities, join PCS's virtual open house this Sunday.  

For more information, Zoom link and the call-in information call 732-905-9700 x 665 or email  
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