Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual. | | March 12, 2021 - 28 Adar 5781 News from the Agudah:
- To this Rabbi Yaakov commented: "That's exactly how Moshiach will strike us. The Satmar Chassidim say that he'll be a Satmarer. The Klausenberger Chassidim think he'll be a Klausenberger, and the Litvaks are certain that he will be a ba 'al Mussar. And then, when he comes, every Yid will look at Moshiach and say 'See, it's as I said! He's one of our very own!'" It was Reb Yaakov's love and consideration for each individual member of Klal Yisroel that allowed him to view Moshiach in such personal terms. His regard for the sensitivity of anyone and everyone, as much as his kedusha and gadlus, drew the masses into his orb. This Shabbos will mark the 35th yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky zt"l. See below to read this article by R' Nisson Wolpin for the Jewish Observer in 1986.
- See picture below of Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller, Rosh Kollel and Av Beis Din of Kollel Avreichim Toronto and Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, in Agudah's Lakewood office yesterday, giving $3.00 to add him and his wife to Agudah's Machatzis Hashekel campaign. Join by clicking here.
- Rabbi Shlomo Soroka director of government affairs for Agudath Israel of Illinois shared his perspectives on the image of the Jewish community and advocacy in a very candid interview in this weeks Mishpacha, click here to read.
- Recently, a school in Monsey reached out to Rabbi Pinkus, Director of the Yeshiva Services department, with a problem. One school was able to offer food boxes to their parent body, while another was not; those parents needed help, as well. Rabbi Pinkus reached out to the relevant office at the New York State Education Department and the families from the second school were able to register to become eligible to receive the boxes from the school that already had the program in place. As a result, an additional 1,300 children are receiving food each week. See below for pictures.
- In other Yeshiva Services news, 15 new schools learned the ropes by joining an orientation and training session hosted by Agudah's Yeshiva Services department yesterday, detailing many of the FAQs, regulations, and funding opportunities that new mosdos need to be aware of. To make sure your school is on the list for such events (even if you are not a new school!) please email
- Pirchei will be hosting a Siyum HaMishnayos program for yeshivos this Sunday - Remembering the Giants: A Tribute to the Novominsker Rebbe zt"l and Harav Dovid Feinstein zt"l, and will feature Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rabbi Reuven Feinstein. See below for more details and to sign up your Yeshiva or Shul.
- Bnos and Pirchei Newsletters: Download this week's Pirchei newsletters by clicking here for the Pirchei Pages and here for the Pirchei Weekly. Download the Bnos Agudath Israel newsletter for this Shabbos here.
- Lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide will complete Maseches Pesachim, just days before Pesach: See below for details on the upcoming siyum and events in conjunction with the first yahrtzeit of HaRav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe zt"l.
- Did you catch today's B'dibur Echad Shabbos videos? Watch them (or print the summaries for your Shabbos table) by clicking here.
- Finally, a correction: We said in yesterday's email that it was the 12th yahrtzeit of HaRav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg zt"l. It was really the 9th. Thanks for those who let us know, and we're sorry!
| | Remembering Rabbi Yaakov Kametsky zt"l | | Click here or on the image below to read the full article. | | Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller, Rosh Kollel and Av Beis Din of Kollel Avreichim Toronto and Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, giving $3.00 to add him and his wife to Agudah's Machatzis Hashekel campaign. | | Food Box Distribution in Monsey | | Remembering the Giants: 39th Annual Siyum HaMishnayos | | Pirchei Montreal is holding a virtual event for the 39th Annual Siyum HaMishnayos for yeshivos. Remembering the Giants will be a tribute to the Novominsker Rebbe and Harav Dovid Feinsten zt"l.
The program will be shown this coming Sunday, March 14th, at 12 PM EST, and will feature Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, and Rabbi Reuven Feinstein. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudas Yisroel, and Rabbi Ephraim Levi, national director of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel, will deliver special messages. Boruch Levine will participate as a musical guest, and Rebbe Hill will deliver a story. | | Klal Yisroel is Readying Themselves for Daf Yomi Siyum Meseches Pesachim Just Days Before Pesach | | On Monday, March 22nd/9 Nisan lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide will complete Maseches Pesachim. Agudas Yisroel's Daf Yomi Commission will sponsor a Worldwide Siyum Broadcast in conjunction with the first yahrzeit, l'zecher nishmas the Rosh Agudas Yisroel, HaRav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe ZT"L. The Siyum program will feature speakers who will share their memories and impart some of the most important lessons to be learned from the life and achievements of the beloved Novominsker Rebbe. Throughout the week preceding the Siyum, (Monday evening, March 15th through Thursday, March 18th), the Agudah will host a 4-part Halachah L'Maseh series on topics relating to maseches Pesachim and the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach, given by Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (Hilchos Bedikas and Biur Chometz), Rabbi Noach Issac Oelbaum (Mitzvas Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim), Rabbi Dovid Heber (Shiurei Leil HaSeder: Daled Kosos, Matzo, Marror), and Rabbi Simcha Bunim Londionsky (Erev Pesach on Shabbos). With Pesach around the corner, these audio/video presentations covering Pesach topics should be especially relevant.
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