Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fwd: This Chai Elul… don’t be fuzzy on the details

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From: Sichos in English <editor@sie.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 13, 2022, 12:07 PM
Subject: This Chai Elul… don't be fuzzy on the details
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Yud-Zayin Elul, 5782 — September 13, 2022

Is Chassidus Chabad an offshoot of Chassidus HaKlalis, or is it an entirely different branch of Chassidus? 
Are the other satellites of Chassidus more directly linked and related to Chassidus HaKlalis?
Other forms of Chassidus do appear more similar to the Baal Shem Tov's — are they?

You are not the first questioner — this query has been pondered over by many. 
You are not left to scour for the answer — the Frierdiker Rebbe answered this question, and the response was published in the HaTomim publication in Warsaw in Hebrew.  

Though the majority of these letters have been translated to English and presented in Branches of the Chassidic Menorah, now, with Chassidic Menorah, a fundamental overview of the emergence of Chassidus, being prepared for reprint, Sichos in English shares an excerpt from the book, the entire letter that the Frierdiker Rebbe penned to the Rebbe in response to the above question, and the Rebbe's response — in English!

These letters, pivotal to understanding the relation between Chassidus HaKlalis and Chassidus Chabad, provide the background of Chassidus, which makes it apparent that although external differences might beg some questions, at the root of it all, when understanding Chassidus, it is clear that Chassidus Chabad is a direct development from Chassidus HaKlalis, and inherently, they are one.

So, if you are familiar with Chassidus HaKlalis and Chassidus Chabad but feel fuzzy on the details, these letters are a fitting piece to learn in honor of Chai Elul.

And if you are not familiar with Chassidus, these letters, articulately explaining and laying out the background and root of Chassidus, are a great place to start. 

With wishes for a sweet new year,
Sichos in English

Access the Excerpt Here

Hakhel — Then and Now

After receiving much feedback, we are again publicizing the SIE essay, Hakhel — Then and Now, in a clear format with slightly updated language. The essay comprises the directives and teaching of the Rebbe on Hakhel in 5748.

Access the Essay
The content above joins SIE's large library of the Rebbe's teachings made accesible in English

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