----- Forwarded Message -----From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <myysbyy@aol.com>Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 12:41 PMSubject: [chicago-aneinu] Update - Injured ListUpdate on Moshe Aharon ben Leah Bayla:Ari Spitz, a Givati Brigade soldier, has regained full consciousness one and a half months after being severely injured in Gaza. He is considered one of the most severe casualties of the war.Today (Friday) his mother Leah updated that he was transferred to another department in Soroka Hospital, thus leaving the ICU. "The great excitement of all of us, the ICU team, and the other families was immense," the mother shared in an update to a WhatsApp group set up for updates on the soldier's condition, "Fortuitously, some of Ari's friends were here, again with music (originally intended to accompany Ari to recovery) and we left the ICU with singing and dancing.""It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High," Shpitz added, "It's hard to express in words the joy and gratitude for all the good we have seen. A huge thank you to all the amazing ICU team that accompanied us for 45 days!""We looked for a wheelchair to get Ari out of bed," she recounted, "and a volunteer from Yad Sarah in Be'er Sheva specially opened the office for us.""This Sabbat is our seventh in Soroka, and with great prayer, also the last, before moving to rehabilitation," the mother continued, "This Sabbath we prepared chicken soup, here at the hospital, in a slow cooker and are excited that Ari will eat the soup with us. Ari still has a very long way to go, but the huge leap in the last week is a miracle of miracles. We continue to pray that Ari will continue to strengthen and heal, and it seems fitting the prayer upon leaving a city in Tractate Berakhot: 'When one leaves, he says: "I give thanks before You, Lord my God, that You have brought me out of this place in peace. And just as You have brought me out in peace, so lead me onwards in peace, support me in peace, direct my steps in peace, and rescue me from the hand of all foes and ambushes on the way." The salvation of the Lord comes in the blink of an eye. Please pray for the healing of Moshe Aharon son of Leah Bilha Shabbat Shalom!."The hostage list:Many of the hostages in captivity have injuries or illnesses. As you daven for them, please include a request for their refuah shlema.Hostage List:English only:
Please continue to daven for the remaining hostages held by Hamas barbarians in Gaza R'l.May Hashem please bring all of the hostages home NOW!Gan Yavne Terror Attack 3/31/24Ben ben RinaRoi ben NatalieNeve Yaakov Terror Attack 3/6/24Tzvi ben DinaSwitzerland Terror Attack 3/2/24Meir Tzvi ben SarahMa'ale Adumim Terror Attack 2/22/24Chanania Yosef ben TovaKiyrat Malakhi Terror Attack 2/16/24Moshe Natan ben Henia GuitaRaanana Terror Attack 1/15/24Nadav Ephraim ben Shulamit Leah (14 years old)Yerushalayim Terror Attack 11/30/23Avidan Moshe ben Mina Rivka (Shfeiner) Dayan at the Be'er Sheva Bet DinRoi ben Michal (soldier)Shoshana Bracha bas Rivka Yehudis (Shafier nee Dekoven) is a former Chicagoan (released from hospital 12/25/23)Civilians Injured in Swords of Iron War 10/27/23