Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fw: PARSHAH PICKS: The Census: Making Each Person Count (Bamidbar)

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Subject: PARSHAH PICKS: The Census: Making Each Person Count (Bamidbar)
Parshah Picks
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General Overview

This week's reading, Bamidbar, begins the Book of Numbers, the fourth of the Five Books of Moses. This book of the Torah opens on the first of Iyar, one month after the inauguration of the Tabernacle, and several weeks before the Jews will depart from Mount Sinai and begin their journey to the Holy Land. In this week's portion the Israelites and the Tribe of Levi are counted separately. G‑d instructs the Israelites on how to camp in the desert, surrounding the Tabernacle. The Levites are informed the procedure for dismantling the Tabernacle before traveling.
The Census: Making Each Person Count

The Census: Making Each Person Count

Each Jew holds a designated place within the cohesive structure of the Jewish people.

By Katia Bolotin


Bamidbar in a Nutshell

Bamidbar in a Nutshell

Numbers 1:1–4:20


Bamidbar Haftarah Companion

Bamidbar Haftarah Companion

For an informed reading of Hosea 2:1–22

By Mendel Dubov


Bamidbar Parshah Quiz

Bamidbar Parshah Quiz

Take this quiz to see how well you know the parshah of Bamidbar.

By Menachem Posner


Are You Lonely?

Are You Lonely?

We believe we're all living completely separate lives, but that's as much of an illusion as believing a blood cell isn't part of, and dependent on, the body in which it lives.

By Karen Kaplan

Is It Too Late to Change?

Is It Too Late to Change?

Couldn't He have let them hang out in the Bahamas instead? Or at least some nice vacation spot along the Red Sea and let them do a little scuba diving?

By Aharon Loschak

You Count!

You Count!

How many of us say, "Don't rely on me," or, "Don't count on me"? But we all count. And, yes, we do count on you.

By Yossy Goldman


Just How Important Is Family?

Just How Important Is Family?

The obvious coefficient of Jewish identity is peoplehood. And yet the Jewish people cannot be defined without reference to the family.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (7:13)
How to Keep Irrigated Through Life's Wilderness

How to Keep Irrigated Through Life's Wilderness

A Taste of Text—Bamidbar

By Chana Weisberg

Watch (26:19)
Shazak Parsha: Bamidbar

Shazak Parsha: Bamidbar

A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!

By Moshe Moscowitz

Watch (6:07)


Basic Parsha - Bamidbar

An overview of the weekly Parsha, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.

By Marty Goodman

Listen (90:18)

Torah Gems: Bamidbar-Shavuot

Experience the gems of the Parsha with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalstic twist.

By Elimelech Silberberg

Listen (57:45)

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