Wednesday, April 1, 2020

FW: [chicago-aneinu] Message From Rabbi Plotnik

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From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 4/1/20 9:05 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Message From Rabbi Plotnik


Like most of the rest of the world, I spent quite the unique Shabbos alone with the Rebbetzin,on Shabbos Mevorchim Nissan.

Refusing to lose the flavor of a Shabbos davening in shul, I lugged my heavy shtender into the living room and davened the tefilos aloud from the amud.(I had offered my wife to be chazanit, but she politely refused and I did not feel it necessary to ask three times before ascending the amud myself). It was a beautiful kabbolas Shabbos, complete with a niggun filled L'cha Dodi and the kind of chazzanus I wouldn't necessarily try in shul. Ma'ariv concluded with the Adon Olam of my youth.Not to be outdone by myself, Shacharis and Mussaf were hartzig as well including leining (as per Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlita) and Rosh Chodesh bentching.

And of course...a drasha. I turned my shtender around and faced the tzibbur (sans mechitza).And here is where it gets a little more serious.Many a friend pointed out how there was such hashgacha that this mageifa (may Hashem protect us all) struck after the two incredible gatherings l'chvod haTorah, those of the siyum hashas and Dirshu.

These were unprecedented ma'amodos to honor Hashem and his Torah, the likes of which we have never seen before. Some were bothered with a nagging question, why weren't they a protection? (although we may never know how much they really did protect us from unthinkable worse tragedy). Especially now that we have lost our ability to learn and daveN, we so yearn for that hagana that we desperately need.
Does Hashem not accept our fervent desire to learn and come close to Him?Although we can never know the answer to such questions, just as we cannot know why the world is suffering this g'zar din at all, we should perhaps learn at least one lesson going forward. Rashi in Parshas Ki Sisa tells us the reason why the second luchos were given without the fanfare of the first ones, was because the public nature of ma'amad Har Sinai subjected us to the danger of ayin harah, and precisely because of ayin harah, the first luchos were destroyed. The second ones therefore demanded tzniyus, privacy.

The question needs to be asked, since Hashem knows that too, why then did he give us the first luchos in such a public way?

Rav Elya Meir Bloch zt"l says the following answer. Mishlei teaches "Chochmos Bachutz Taronah", Torah really does deserve to be "out there", and if we would be zocheh, the kavod of Hashem would have only increased. However, sometimes our own shortcomings get mixed in to the lishma, and we have other pleasures or agendas that are satisfied by this public display and destroy the perfection that we otherwise could have achieved. We are therefore not deserving to let it remain and going forward,"yafah lahem hatzniyus", we can only achieve purity in a more private setting.

Let us bear in mind that we are talking about the dor de'ah here,that had the greatest perceptions of Hashem in the history of mankind.Yet even they could not merit the sustenance of this incredible event and even wound up making an egel hazahav for which we paid the price forever. Far be it for anybody to even conjecture what we are witnessing in this trying time of Midas Hadin. But one thing is undeniable and that is we have been forced to retreat to a tzniyus of the most unimaginable extreme. Everthing is private. Nobody sees our "things" nor knows what we are learning. We have been living in an era where if it isn't public it almost doesn't count. It even filters down to the chinuch of our children and the way so many things they do (kein yirbu) must be publicized in the papers in order for it to feel valuable.

One lesson we can certainly take moving forward after i"yh the 'charon af' dissipates from the world, is that there is avodah with tzniyus and to merit what Mishlei extols is not necessarily attainable the way we would think.

We are all experiencing a life of tzniyus in every realm. Let it give us some pause and some ambition to make us pure enough that one day we will merit the true fulfillment of Hashem's ultimate goals for us, to walk with Him b'hatznaya.

aneinu | 204 BroadwayLawrence, NY 11559

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