Monday, May 18, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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Date: Mon, May 18, 2020, 11:41 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
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24 Iyar 5780 - May 18, 2020
News from the Agudah:

  • Agudath Israel of America is deeply concerned by reports that the site that is believed to be the tomb of Mordechai and Esther in Iran was set aflame last week. See below for the full statement.

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brochos continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer on Rov B'ikur V'tafel at 12:00 pm EDT and a chazarah shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon at 8:00 pm EDT. See below for call in information and for tomorrow's schedule.

  • The Agudah is working on a special video project highlighting learning under lockdown in honor of the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos. Would you like to see your family member featured? Please send us a 5-10 second clip of a family member learning Daf Yomi under coronavirus conditions – whether it's by themselves, on video, phone, or however! Send your video clip to

  • Agudath Israel of Ohio's nightly shiur series in preparation for Shavuos continues tonight. Tonight at 8:00 pm EDT, Rabbi Dovid Spetner will be giving a shiur on Shavuos and the Meaning of the Second Day of Yom Tov. See below for the call in information.

  • This Thurday night, Agudath Israel's Project LEARN department will be organizing a webinar on Parenting Your Child With Special Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Noted psychologist Dr. David Pelcovitz will address the concerns of parents of children with special needs and the unique situation such families face. Please see below for more information.

  • There are, sadly, many niftarim from COVID-19 who don't have anyone to learn mishnayos l'zeicher nishmasam. The Agudah has partnered with Time4Mishna in a new program called Eis L'kol Neshamah, in which people can join and are assigned the same few mishnayos to learn each day for specific niftarim. Click this link for a short video intro and visit for more information.

  • Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park in Chicago is continuing its series of shiurim by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst on halacha l'maaseh on sugyos from Daf Yomi. Tonight's shiur is on Hilchos Borer: peelers, seforim, tuna cans, strainer spoons, and other common cases. The shiur is at 7:45 pm CDT (8:45 pm EDT). The call in number is (518) 425-1725 (there is no pin number). There will be an opportunity for live question and answers after the shiur.

  • Lastly, see below for updates on this week's MishnaBoyz programming.
Agudath Israel to Iran: Protect Jewish Sites and Jewish Lives
Agudath Israel of America is deeply concerned by reports that the site in Iran traditionally thought to be the tomb of Mordechai and Esther was set aflame last week. 
Although the Iranian government asserts that it was the action of a rogue arsonist, last February, the Basij militia, part of Iran's Revolutionary Guards – itself part of Iran's military structure – threatened to raze the shrine.
Iran has a responsibility to find the perpetrator of this heinous act and bring him to justice, and to protect both its Jewish citizens and Jewish sites.
Virtual Yarchei Kallah Continues
The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brochos continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer at 12:00 pm EDT Rov B'ikur V'tafel and a chazarah shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon at 8:00 pm EDT

The Zoom access code is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of Ohio's Pre-Shavuos Shiur Series
Tonight at 8:00 pm EDT, Rabbi Dovid Spetner will be giving a shiur on Shavuos and the Meaning of the Second Day of Yom Tov. The Zoom meeting ID is 85831256775, access code 645534#. The call in number is 646-558-8656.
This Thursday: Agudath Israel's Project LEARN Presents a Webinar on Parenting Your Child With Special Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Agudath Israel's Project LEARN is delighted to announce an upcoming webinar devoted exclusively to parents of children with special needs. While all of us have been effected by this pandemic, parents of children with special needs have been particularly challenged: their child's therapies, schedules and daily routines have been uprooted, causing upheaval and stress.
This Thursday, May 21st, at 9:00 PM EDT, noted psychologist Dr. David Pelcovitz will present a unique webinar addressing the concerns of parents of children with special needs. Dr. Pelcovitz will address the unique situation such families face, and will talk about easing the stress on the family.
Mrs. Leah Steinberg, director of Project LEARN, explained that, "the complexities of parenting during "shelter in place" is exacerbated for parents attempting to juggle the needs of typically developing children together with those with special needs." She said, as well, that, due to every parent's individual experience, the program will end with an extensive Q&A session. In order to maintain confidentiality, all question will need to be submitted prior to the event.
To submit questions for the Q&A portion email
MishnaBoyz Update
Here is a schedule of the different exciting programs that will be going on this week on the MishnaBoyz program.

  • Mondays contest -"Picture Connect "

  • Tuesday MB Spotlight interview: R' Ari Schonfeld of "Night Seder America"

  • Wednesday contest- sefiras Ha'omer 

  • Thursday- MB Spotlight interview: R' Yitzy Erps & Family

Zoom Meeting ID: 442-229-4679 Password: 613. Call-in Number: (646) 558-8656, ID & Password is same as above. For more information, or for sponsorship opportunities, call Daniel Waldman (917)-202-4056, or e-mail
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