Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fwd: Commencement is Just the Beginning

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From: Dr. Ari Berman, President, Yeshiva University <>
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2021, 3:27 PM
Subject: Commencement is Just the Beginning
To: <>

Yeshiva University

Office of the President

My Dear Friends,


I hope this note finds you well.


These past couple of weeks we have celebrated a number of commencement ceremonies, including live events for the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and our undergraduate schools.

Seven weeks ago, when the governor announced that universities could have in-person graduations, we naturally understood the enormous challenge in turning around events of such scale in such a short amount of time. This was truly a colossal undertaking.


But this is indicative of what Yeshiva University, together with our beloved students, have been doing all throughout this year. We have worked together to create a safe, social and educational context in which our professors can continue to teach and our students can continue to study, grow and flourish.


This commencement season, however, was not just special because we were able to be in person. It was special because it represented something bigger. Our graduates represent something bigger. They represent hope.


In these tumultuous times, our mission is more vital than ever, for our education enlightens and our students represent the future. We have confidence in our future because we have confidence in each of our graduates. They are our hope as the next generation of heroes and the leaders of tomorrow.


Personally, this was an emotional time.  Looking out at our students bedecked in academic regalia and excited about their future, I could not help but think back to where we were at this time last year. So much uncertainty. So much still unknown.


But with our values as our compass, our belief in our educational mission and our faith in God, we have emerged from this period even stronger, even more joyful.

Placard with text: And we have emerged even stronger

And that is why I am so excited to share with you moments from our commencement ceremonies. I walked away inspired, and I am sure each of you will be as well.

President Berman at lectern with arms wide-spread exhorting the graduates

We are deeply grateful to everyone all throughout the Yeshiva University family who have enabled us to succeed this year beyond our expectations: our alumni, lay leadership, parents and friends network who have met the challenges of the moment to raise their level of support; our incredible team of administrators, deans and faculty whose creativity, dedication and professionalism are springboarding us to a great future ahead; and to our incredible students whose kindness, erudition and leadership give us enormous confidence in a better tomorrow.


Congratulations to all of you and to all our graduates. Their success is truly the success of us all.


Warmest regards,

Ari Berman

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Office of the President, Yeshiva University
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New York, NY 10033

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