Friday, June 11, 2021

Fwd: Unfazed

-----Original Message-----
From: Rabbi Levi Notik <>
To: <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 11, 2021 2:05 pm
Subject: Unfazed


This Week at F.R.E.E.
Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting Times for
Friday, Jun. 11
8:06 pm
Torah Portion: Korach
F.R.E.E.Email: free@obshina.comPhone:
Rabbi's Message
Message from the Rabbi
Dear Friends,
Eighty years ago this week, on the 28th of Sivan 1941, the Rebbe and Rebbetzin arrived in the United States following their harrowing escape from Nazi Europe.
Soon after their arrival, the Rebbe was appointed by his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe, to oversee the growth and rebuilding of the Chabad movement, in his capacity as chairman of the three central Chabad-Lubavitch organizations. In 1950 he assumed the leadership of Chabad upon the passing of the Previous Rebbe.
The coming Sunday, June 13th, we will mark the Rebbe's passing, on the 3rd of Tammuz, 1994. As the Rebbe taught us following his predecessor's passing, the life of a righteous person—a tzaddik—is always more spiritual than physical. The Rebbe continues to lead us through his teachings and guidance, to this very day.
Among the Rebbe's many directives was that every Jewish person should learn a daily portion of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, either three chapters a day on an annual cycle, or one chapter a day on a tri-annual cycle. This year we conclude the 40th cycle of the 3-chapters-a-day order on the day of the Rebbe's yahrtzeit, the 3rd of Tammuz.
This offers a great opportunity for all of us to commit ourselves to this daily study program which covers every single aspect of Torah, and to also unite with Jews around the world who are doing the same.
Have a Gut Shabbos and A Gut Chodesh!
Featured Event
Featured Event
Custom Message
Jewish Humor
Old Sid Finkel was very particular about air travel. He specifically asked the airline for a window seat. When the time came to check in, however, he was given an aisle seat. All his complaints met with, "Sorry sir, there's nothing we can do."
During the entire trip, he fidgeted, squirmed and kvetched. When the plane landed Syd went straight to customer service.
"I specifically asked for a window seat! I got hit by the drink cart. There was a man snoring across the aisle. A child spilled juice on me. It was miserable! Now I specifically asked for a window seat when I purchased the ticket and your airline told me I would get one. But see! Look at my boarding pass. Aisle seat."
"I'm very sorry, sir. Did you by any chance try to trade seats with the person sitting next to you?"
"That was impossible!"
"Why, sir?"
"Because there was nobody in that seat!"
Join in and become a partner in the work we do!
This Week @
This Week @
Chabad Vistas
What Did the Rebbe Say to the Anti-Religious Chief Justice Who Came for Simchat Torah?
A Lesson in Remaining One People Despite Our Differences
Do You Procrastinate?
The Hebrew word for almond is etymologically related to the word "shaked," which means "quick."
By the Numbers
Take the Jewish Language Quiz
What do you know about the languages traditionally spoken by Jewish people. Here's your chance to find out!
Live Next Week: Unfazed - A Symphony of Living Voices, Story & Song
A worldwde virtual experience marking the 27th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe, of righteous memory, and the 40th completion of the daily Rambam study cycle.
Parshah in a Nutshell

Parshat Korach
Korach incites a mutiny challenging Moses' leadership and the granting of the kehunah ( priesthood) to Aaron. He is accompanied by Moses' inveterate foes, Dathan and Abiram. Joining them are 250 distinguished members of the community, who offer the sacrosanct ketoret (incense) to prove their worthiness for the priesthood. The earth opens up and swallows the mutineers, and a fire consumes the ketoret-offerers.
A subsequent plague is stopped by Aaron's offering of ketoret. Aaron's staff miraculously blossoms and brings forth almonds, to prove that his designation as high priest is divinely ordained.
G‑d commands that a terumah ("uplifting") from each crop of grain, wine and oil, as well as all firstborn sheep and cattle, and other specified gifts, be given to the kohanim (priests).
Today's Quote
Today's Quote
A Jew never desires -- nor is he able -- to tear himself away from G-d
— Rabbi schneur Zalman of Liadi (founder of Chabad Chassidism, 1745-1812)

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