Friday, August 6, 2021

Fwd: A Taste of Shabbos

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From: Ki Heim Chayeinu <>
Date: Fri, Aug 6, 2021, 9:07 AM
Subject: A Taste of Shabbos
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A Taste of Shabbos
Rabbi Eli Mansour
E1, A Taste of Shabbos

We all know the importance of being stringent in Hilchos Shabbos; so many of us make sure to learn the exact laws from a Sefer. But how many of us pay attention to a different Sefer - the Siddur of Shabbos? There is so much sweetness in the Tefillos of Shabbos! Join us as Rabbi Eli Mansour lights up the words in his inimitable style.
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
E1, Anticipating and Remembering Shabbos

You "can set the table," "wash your dishes," and "buy groceries." Or, you can "prepare for Shabbos." When we approach preparations with a Shabbos mindset — "Likras Shabbos lechu veneilcha" — then Shabbos is the Mekor habracha. How? Rebbetzin Shira Smiles shares the simple things you can say or do to bring the special Shabbos Bracha into your week.

The exciting Masmidei HaShabbos Initiative
is now in full swing!

After being launched with a bang in camps all across the country, thousands of children in participating camps are already experiencing the joy of Shabbos like never before. By getting involved in what Shabbos is all about- taking a look at Tefillas Shabbos, Zemiros, relevant Hilchos Shabbos as well as some sugyos of Maseches Shabbos, their Shabbos is and will continue to be elevated with new insight and understanding, plus prizes, incentives and much more!
With another stupendous, enriching week unveiled, the boys are gaining new insights in zemiros with the zemiros corner and they are singing those songs with a newfound vigor and excitement. Their Tefillas Shabbos too is being enhanced like never before. The boys are growing, being uplifted and having a blast all at the same time!

Masmidei HaShabbos is one of many projects of Ki Heim Chayeinu aimed at fostering an increased appreciation for Shabbos and the bountiful blessing and enjoyment we can be zoche to when we take a deeper look at the many different aspects of Shabbos, the Mekor Habracha. 
The more we know about Shabbos, the more we can appreciate and enjoy it in the way Hashem wants us to, and that's what Masmidei HaShabbos is all about! 
In the zechus of Klal Yisrael's increased appreciation for Shabbos, may we be zoche that our Shemiras Shabbos should bring the Geulah closer and we should merit all the blessings that are promised to those who are careful in their Shemiras Shabbos.

Attached you'll find Week 3 of the Masmidei HaShabbos curriculum, so you can download and print it to share with your family and elevate your Shabbos too!

Wishing you a more elevated Shabbos than ever before,

The Ki Heim Chayeinu Team

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Ben Yomo:
BBQ Grills
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