Thursday, October 14, 2021

Fwd: Aliyah at 90; The Carmine Conundrum; Were the Avot and Imahot Perfect?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2021, 7:38 PM
Subject: Aliyah at 90; The Carmine Conundrum; Were the Avot and Imahot Perfect?
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Because Everybody Belongs–Ensuring That Individuals With Special Needs Are Included
Because Everybody Belongs–Ensuring That Individuals With Special Needs Are Included
SPIRIT Initiative

Do our children and adults with special needs truly feel accepted by their fellow Jews? When they walk into shul, are they welcome or just tolerated? How does the kahal make the rest of the family feel? Join two of Yachad's professional staff living this experience with their own children. In the process, we can learn together how to open our communities and our hearts to accepting every Jew.

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PARSHAT LECH LECHA October 15-16, 2021 / 10 Marcheshvan 5782


HAFTARAH Isaiah 40:27 – 41:16

Around the OU
Join Us: Commemorating the First Yahrzeit of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztzl
Join Us: Commemorating the First Yahrzeit of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
Orthodox Union

Join the Orthodox Union and Lincoln Square Synagogue on Tuesday, October 26, for a special evening of learning and conversation in memory of Rabbi Sacks ztz"l on the occasion of his first yahrzeit.

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All Daf Siyum Highlighted in Mishpacha Magazine
All Daf Siyum Highlighted in Mishpacha Magazine
All Daf

The family wondered if Rabbi Elefant would meet his talmid, but All Daf Director Rabbi Moshe Schwed did even better….

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NCSY Israel Receives IZI Prize From Nefesh B'Nefesh
NCSY Israel Receives IZI Prize From Nefesh B'Nefesh
NCSY Israel

NCSY Israel was one of seven recipients to receive the "Initiative for Zionist Innovation" prize and grant from Nefesh B'Nefesh, the leading organization for North American aliyah.

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Yachad's Sefer Torah Finds a Home With IVDU
Yachad's Sefer Torah Finds a Home With IVDU

The simcha of a new Yachad sefer Torah continued as it was brought to The Marilyn and Sheldon David IVDU Upper Boys School in Brooklyn.

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Ancestral Decisions
Ancestral Decisions
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Do the decisions of Abraham and Sarah continue to impact us today? A lesson on our ancestors from this week's parsha.

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The Parting of Ways
The Parting of Ways
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Even before their literal parting of ways, the Torah alludes to a growing ideological rift between Avraham and his nephew Lot.

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What Is Carmine and Is It Kosher?
What Is Carmine and Is It Kosher?
OU Kosher

Careful. The answer to this Halacha Yomis question may have you seeing red.

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Listen: Torat Imecha Parsha – Lech Lecha
Listen: Torat Imecha Parsha – Lech Lecha
Professor Shoshana Schechter

The parsha cycle continues with this brief yet informative look at parshat Lech Lecha.

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Down the Up Staircase
Down the Up Staircase
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ztz"l

Sometimes descent is for the purpose of ascent; often you must go down in order to go up to an even higher level than that at which you began.

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Significant Signature
Significant Signature
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

Enjoy these thoughts on the parsha and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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How Perfect Were the Matriarchs and Patriarchs?
How Perfect Were the Matriarchs and Patriarchs?
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Was Abraham wrong to leave Canaan, and to put Sarah in a position of danger by going to Egypt?

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Jewish Thought
All Because of COVID
All Because of COVID
Jewish Action

Meet Nelly Grussgott, a Brooklyn resident who made aliyah at the age of ninety.

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Community Events
One Life Lost Is One Too Many
One Life Lost Is One Too Many

Despite what some may think, we in the Jewish community are not immune from the opioid epidemic, and it is incumbent upon all of us to understand and learn how to deal with this issue. Join CCSA for a free virtual event on Sunday, October 24.

Register Now
Jack's Gourmet
Jack's Gourmet
OU Kosher

Beginning as a small producer of authentic handcrafted, glatt-kosher deli meats and sausages, Jack's Gourmet has grown to become the leader in minimally-processed, superior-quality kosher meat products.

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Featured Products
Echoes of Eden: Sefer Bereishit
Echoes of Eden: Sefer Bereishit
OU Press

In Echoes of Eden by Rabbi Ari Kahn, explore Sefer Bereishit and discover a breathtaking dimension of originality and profundity. Gain new insights, both rigorous and creative, into the stories you thought you knew so well.

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The Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
The Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
OU Press

Responding to a perceived need for our generation, The Concise Code of Jewish Law by Rabbi Gersion Appel is a modern and up-to-date work of halachah lema'aseh, presented in a user-friendly format.

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OU Positions
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