Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fwd: New Beginnings

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 12, 2021, 11:04 AM
Subject: New Beginnings
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Perfect time to start learning

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

October 12-18 • Cheshvan 6-12

The newsletter this week has been dedicated by the Schulder, Gabe, Papilsky, Katz, Gewirtz and Richman Families in loving memory of their matriarch Margaret Gabor, Perel bat Shimshon Dovid on her yahrzeit

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

By Mike Wiesenberg in honor of the YUTorah Android App and the people behind it
L'zecher nishmas Chaya Ella bas Avraham
By Rifky and Jack Atkin l'ilui nishmas Rifky's mother, Mrs. Ethel Roth, Etya bas Shalom, on her first yahrzeit, 5 Cheshvan
By Rochelle and Avi Schneider and family in memory of Pinchas ben Yehuda, Yehudit Bat Yitchak Halevi and their parents
For a refuah shleimah for Tzvi Yehoshua ben Rivka Leah
In honor of the anniversaries of Jonathan and Basya Teitelbaum, and Brian and Melanie Frankel
By Rhea and Leon Landau in memory of Selma Frost Herskovic
By the Schulder, Gabe, Papilsky, Katz, Gewirtz and Richman Families in loving memory of their matriarch Margaret Gabor, Perel bat Shimshon Dovid on her yahrzeit
By Sara and Eric Pollak l'zecher nishmas Moshe ben Yehuda whose Yarhtzeit is Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
by Susan Shapiro Ginsburg in memory of her parents, Norman & Louise Shapiro
By Barry and Marcia Levinson in honor of Eliron & Devorah Levinson and their children, Chava Bracha, Moshe Chaim, Golda Chana, Dovid Yisroel & Yosef; and Aviyam & Rina Levinson and their children, Nesanel Eliyahu, Chana Malka & Shmuel Dovid

New This Week

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

Birkas ha-Torah: Two Opinions in Lomdus and Halacha, Dual Aspects in Machshav

When we learn what we are supposed to make a birchas hatorah on, we can gain a better appreciation of the gift of Torah itself.

Listen Now
Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe

A Brief Overview of the Development of Halacha

A rundown of the major milestones and time periods from the giving of the Torah at Sinai to the modern day poskim.

Listen Now
Rabbi Dovid Miller

Pidyon Shvuyim

Is pidyon shvuyim the ultimate form of tzedaka, or is it something completely new and unique?

Listen Now
Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger

Hakdamah to Toras Habayis: Talmud Torah Every Day

The importance of being koveah itim l'Torah.

Listen Now
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky

Introduction to Bishul Akum

The start of a new series on maachalei akum and the laws of kashrus in general.

Listen Now
Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky

Introducing the Thought of the Netziv: Impact and Inspiration

The first shiur in a new series on the thought of the Netziv.

Listen Now

Featured This Week

Jump into Daf Yomi

Mazel tov to all those who finished Masechet Beitza. Now is the perfect time to start Rosh Hashana with shiurim and resources to get the most out of your daf.

Browse the shiurim
American Jewish History

In honor of Columbus Day, learn the history of the Jewish community in the new world, as well as about some of the rabbis and leaders who guided and shaped it.

Browse the Shiurim

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