Friday, August 12, 2022

Fwd: Unanswered Prayers; Nachamu, Nachamu in 2022; Fleishig Veggies?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2022, 7:52 PM
Subject: Unanswered Prayers; Nachamu, Nachamu in 2022; Fleishig Veggies?
To: <>

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Watch: Vegetables on a Meat Grill
Watch: Vegetables on a Meat Grill
OU Kosher

Welcome back to the OU HQ kitchen, as we continue our conversation with Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman about one of our favorite summer pastimes: grilling. Part II of our OU Kosher Summer Series wonders: What is the status of vegetables grilled alongside meat? Find out the answer before your next BBQ.

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PARSHAT VA'ETCHANAN August 12-13, 2022 / 16 Av 5782


HAFTARAH Isaiah 40:1-26


THIS SHABBAT Shabbat Nachamu


SPECIAL DAYS Tu b'Av is celebrated on Friday, August 12.


Around the OU
OU Women's Initiative Conference: Understanding Our Communities
OU Women's Initiative Conference: Understanding Our Communities
Women's Initiative

Over 120 women joined the Women's Initiative at the Armon Hotel and Conference in Stamford, CT, from July 18-20 to join the "Understanding Our Communities" conference.

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Tefilla Seminar With Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Tefilla Seminar With Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Orthodox Union

Attention shul leaders: The OU invites you to a Pre-Yamim Noraim Tefilla Seminar with Rabbi Hershel Schachter on Sunday, August 28. The program will be available in person and online.

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Orthodox Union Applauds US Senate Passage of Reconciliation Package
Orthodox Union Applauds US Senate Passage of Reconciliation Package
OU Advocacy

The OU applauds the US Senate's passage of the reconciliation package containing new aid so day schools, synagogues and other nonprofits may make their buildings energy-efficient and lower their costs.

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An Inside Story on the Jewish Response to the Ukraine Crisis
An Inside Story on the Jewish Response to the Ukraine Crisis

Join SPIRIT on Tuesday, August 16, for a discussion on the impact of the OU's Ukraine Crisis Campaign. Learn how the OU leveraged its campaign to help thousands of Ukrainian Jewish refugees.

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Community Spotlight: South New Rochelle
Community Spotlight: South New Rochelle
Community Projects and Partnerships

Come visit South New Rochelle, a warm, welcoming and diverse community. With an out-of-town feel and just 30 minutes from Midtown Manhattan, South New Rochelle has everything you need. Join us for a Shabbaton on September 9-10 and see for yourself.

Email Laurie Kracko-Greenberg for More Info
Support the Riders of Bike NCSY
Support the Riders of Bike NCSY

The big ride is this Sunday! Sponsor a Bike NCSY rider or team and help NCSY empower and inspire more teens.

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Are You a First Time Home Buyer?  New Series From the OU
Are You a First Time Home Buyer? New Series From the OU
Community Projects and Partnerships

Join us on Tuesday, August 16, at 8:30 PM EDT for the first episode of "Home Buyer Basics 101," a new series for first-time home buyers that will provide valuable information to assist you in this major purchase.

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What's My Sign?
What's My Sign?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Since a Hebrew birthday and a secular birthday can fall weeks apart, how does one know his zodiac sign? Does it even matter?

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Shabbat Nachamu
Shabbat Nachamu
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Consolation is not merely an act of chesed toward the mourner, but an integral part of the mourning itself.

Read in Hebrew
Second Edition
Second Edition
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

How can we explain the textual discrepancies between the two versions of the Aseret Hadibrot? With Moshe's retrospective recording of the Ten Declarations, we are effectively confronted with a "second edition" of the divine communication that launched Revelation and changed the world.

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Answering Unanswered Prayers
Answering Unanswered Prayers
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What are we to learn from the story of the unanswered prayer of Moses, the humblest, but greatest, of men?

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Nachamu, Nachamu Ami
Nachamu, Nachamu Ami
Rabbi Shalom Rosner

We remain in exile and the Beit HaMikdash has not been rebuilt, so what type of comfort or relief do we experience?

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series—Va'etchanan
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series—Va'etchanan
Dr. Esther Shkop

Moshe begs to see the fruit of his life-long endeavor—Eretz Yisrael.

Listen Now
Making a Zecher l'Churban in One's Home
Making a Zecher l'Churban in One's Home
Halacha Yomis

What is the proper way for one to make a year-round zecher l'churban (a remembrance of the destruction of Yerushalayim and the Beis HaMikdash) in the construction of one's home?

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The Right and the Good
The Right and the Good
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Buried among the epic passages in Va'etchanan — including the Shema and the Ten Commandments — is a brief passage with large implications for the moral life in Judaism….

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Featured Company: TÖST
Featured Company: TÖST
OU Kosher

Made from white tea, white cranberry and ginger, TÖST is dry, sparkling and nonalcoholic, with an excellent nose and a clean finish.

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Featured Books
Derashot Ledorot: A Commentary for the Ages – Deuteronomy
Derashot Ledorot: A Commentary for the Ages – Deuteronomy
OU Press

Derashot LeDorot presents Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ztz"l's insights into the Book of Deuteronomy and organizes them according to the sequence of the weekly parsha.

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Seventy Conversations in Transit
Seventy Conversations in Transit
OU Press

In this charming and edifying book, Rabbi Aaron Adler records some of the conversations he had while driving with the Rav, one of Judaism's leading figures in the twentieth century.

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Institutional Advancement Positions
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All OU Positions
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