Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Fw: Special Announcement

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From: "Business Halacha" <newsletters@businesshalacha.com>
To: "mates57564@aol.com" <mates57564@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 1:19 PM
Subject: Special Announcement
Business Weekly - Business Halacha Institute
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Special Announcement from the BHI
ט"ז שבט תשפ"ג
february 7' 2023
"ספר דיני משפט"
Dear friends

We are very happy to announce the publication of a new sefer 


written by Rav Chaim Kohn, founder and Dean of the Business Halacha Institute (BHI), Dean of Bais Hora'ah Eitz Chaim and the Av Bais Din of its affiliated Bais Din. We are thrilled to share this news with you, loyal readers of the BHI weekly newsletter.

Dinei Mishpat is a compilation of halachic principles and piskei halacha in Choshen Mishpat, written in accessible Hebrew and organized by topic, formatted as practical rulings on the topics of monetary issues, with extensive source-referencing and a comprehensive index.

We are confident that you will share in our enthusiasm as this sefer makes its way to Jewish homes around the world. This sefer serves as an ideal tool for teaching, learning and conducting business in accordance with Halacha.

We hope that this sefer will deepen your appreciation for the relevance of Choshen Mishpat to our daily lives. 

Naftuli Lerner

Business Halacha Institute

Click here to purchase your sefer

Business Halacha Institute
Harav Chaim Kohn
1937 Ocean Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Sunday - Thursday:
10:00AM - 3:00PM
The © Business Halacha Institute is committed to restoring the primacy of Choshen Mishpat.
Choshen Mishpat is applicable to every aspect of contemporary transactions. BHI is committed to providing you with the awareness and knowledge you need to navigate today's business world according to halacha.
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