Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Fwd: How much matza do you need to order?

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2023, 11:03 AM
Subject: How much matza do you need to order?
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

March 14-20 • Adar 21-27

The newsletter this week has been sponsored by the Polinsky Family to commemorate the fourth yahrzeit of Gil Polinsky, Gedalyahu Guttmon Chaim ben Yaakov Dov

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

Judy & Mark Frankel & family l'ilui nishmos מרדכי בן הרב משה יהודה ע"ה and משה יהודה ז"ל בן מאיר אליהו ויהודית
by the Polinsky family to mark the 4th yahrzeit of Gil Polinsky, Gedalyahu Guttmon Chaim ben Yaakov Dov
by the Weinberg and Klepfish families l'ilui nishmas Ethan Weinberg, Shalom Eitan ben HaRav Moshe
by the Spira family l'ilui nishmat Chanoch ben Moshe Chaim
by Alan and Fran Broder to mark the yahrzeit of their aunt, Billie Ehrenberg, A'H, Bracha Zissel bat Binyamin
for a refuah shleimah for אור בן נטלי and רותם בן מזל

New This Week

Rabbi Reuven Brand

The Principles of Tashlumin in Tefillah (Do-Over Davening)

A halacha chabura on Orach Chaim siman 108, with practical takeaways.

Listen Now
Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

Haggada Insights: Power of Prep, Rabbi Akiva Hosts, Pharaoh's First Move, Why Pesach and Matza Matter

The goal of a yom tov is to build us up, and not just something to "get through."

Listen Now
Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

Rav Abba Bronspiegel ZT"L: The Ultimate Melamed

A hesped for the former RIETS Rosh Yeshiva, a short description of his shiur & some of the roots of his greatness.

Listen Now
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman

The History and Controversy of Mechiras Chametz

The first in a new series. What is the history of the custom of selling chametz to non-Jews, and how was it viewed?

Listen Now
Rabbi Etan Schnall

Credit Cards, Meshulach Cuts and Driver Fees

An overview of contemporary tzedaka questions.

Listen Now
Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Checking Tefillin, Checking for Shaatnez and Checking for Bugs

Exploring the world of chazaka and when one is allowed to rely on them.

Listen Now
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky

Lishma: From Matzah to Sifrei Torah to Gittin

What do the laws of writting gittin and sifrei Torah teach us about how we prepare our matzos?

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem

What's the significance of Parshat Hachodesh in halacha and Jewish thought, and why does it serve as the leadup to Nissan and Pesach?

Browse the Shiurim

Shloshim Yom Kodem L'Chag

What's the special status of the 30 days before Pesach that we dont see by other chagim?

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