Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Fwd: NEW! CarPlay Now on All Daf!

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From: All Daf <>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2023, 10:27 AM
Subject: NEW! CarPlay Now on All Daf!
To: <>

All Daf
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All Daf on Apple CarPlay!


All Daf on Apple CarPlay is now live on version 2.2 of All Daf iOS.

To check to see if you are on the latest update: Go to All Daf Menu>About All Daf and check for version 2.2 | To update your app click here.

  • All Daf CarPlay is available after plugging in your phone to a CarPlay-enabled car. Simply go to the app menu and select All Daf.
  • CarPlay App plays the learning type your app is set to. Changing the Learning Lype must be done within the app.
  • There is no video option on CarPlay.
  • With any new update there is a chance of unexpected bugs or errors occurring. Please report them to

Android Auto as well as CarPlay support for All Parsha and All Mishnah are in production.


get it on google app get it on app

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