Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 21 Adar, 5783/March 14, 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Agudah <info@agudahil.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2023, 8:58 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 21 Adar, 5783/March 14, 2023
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

March 14, 2023 | 21 Adar, 5783

  • Do you have bochurim, seminary students, or married couples coming home for Pesach? The Mayoral Runoff is Erev Pesach! See below for details and to sign up for Vote by Mail.

  • Scroll down for Pesach information and services:
  • Download the complete Pesach Guide
  • Agudath Israel of Illinois Pesach Services
  • Hagalos Keilim with important date correction for large order reservations

  • Agudath Israel of Illinois has been working together with the Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition to pass a bill that will require kosher options to be provided upon request to students in public schools and inmates in correctional facilities. See below to read the full update.

  • Help us help the learners of Daf Yomi with the upcoming siyum on Nazir by taking the survey below.

  • As the season of Friday night Mishnas Shabbos limudim finished this past week, two of our groups completed Meseches Bikurim. See below to read more and for details on our new Shabbos day shiurim.

The Pesach Guide should be arriving soon in the mail but in the meantime, a downloadable version is available by clicking on the button below.

Download the complete Pesach Guide
Update my mailing preference

Click here or on the above image to download a copy of the flyer

Kosher Bill Update

Agudath Israel of Illinois has been working on a bill that would require kosher and halal options to be provided upon request to students in public schools and inmates in correctional facilities. The bill passed committee last week. An amendment, however, is expected to be filed as stakeholder concerns are addressed. The bill would then have to be voted out of the committee again before being voted on by the House. The deadline to pass bills out of the House is March 24.

Daf Yomi Survey

Help us help the learners of Daf Yomi by taking the survey.

Click here to take the Survey

Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos - Mazel Tov!

מזל טוב וסליקא מסכת ביכורים! As the season of משנת שבת Friday night לימודים finished this past week, two of our groups completed מסכת ביכורים. The groups were Rabbi Raiz and his תלמידים in the Telshe Yeshiva neighborhood, as well as Rabbi Meisels and the 4th grade shiur in Peterson Park. It is an accomplishment they're rightfully proud of, as well as an inspiration to begin מסכת חלה with a real חזק חזק ונתחזק !געשמאק!

Click here or on the above image to download a copy of the flyer

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Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 W Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659
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Sent by info@agudahil.org

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