Monday, March 6, 2023

Fwd: Purim With All Torah

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From: Rabbi Moshe Schwed <>
Date: Mon, Mar 6, 2023, 10:37 AM
Subject: Purim With All Torah
To: <>

All Parsha
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A Message From Rabbi Moshe Schwed

A Message From Rabbi Moshe Schwed


To our dearest All Torah partners,

We write to you on this Purim eve to thank you all for coming back to this platform day in and day out.

Whether you are learning Daf Yomi, Mishnah Yomi, Yerushalmi Yomi, daily aliyah or just getting a few minutes of learning in from the various shiurim, we appreciate your visit. As always, comments, critiques, and suggestions are always welcome. We strive to listen, hear, and understand the needs of the users, and respond in a timely manner.

If you are visiting on Purim day, please consider making a contribution to ensure that we're here to serve you the rest of the year as well. Every contribution is greatly appreciated and goes a long way toward the maintenance and growth of the platforms. As always, we are available on Purim day for your daily daf and Mishnah.

See below for a list of Purim shiurim and Divrei Torah.

Wishing all a freilichin and joyous Purim!

Moshe Schwed and the All Torah team


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Special Purim Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Special Purim Shiur From Rabbi Moshe Hauer


We are pleased to share a brief Purim shiur by Rabbi Moshe Hauer, EVP, Orthodox Union. This shiur was delivered at the Gevurah Kollel at the Pine Street shul in Lower Manhattan. Introduction by Rabbi Motti Neuberger, Rosh Kollel of Gevurah Kollel.


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All Torah Purim Content


Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro: Purim and Parshas Tetzaveh

Rabbi Meilach Biderman: תצוה (זכור) תשפ"ג

Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph-Haamek Davar: Will Purim Last Forever?

Rabbi Moshe Ahron Friedman: Purim Shiur

Rabbi Ariel Shoshan-Nesivos Shalom: Shabbos Zachor 5783: Shabbos Is Amalek's Enemy

Yisroel Besser: Purim: Look Inside

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman: Tetzaveh – Purim 5783

Rabbi Yair Adler-Zera Shimshon: Tetzaveh – Purim 5783

Mrs. Michal Horowitz: Tetzaveh/Purim 5783: Pure Olive Oil & A Lesson From Megillas Esther

Rabbi Shaul Aryeh Rosenberg: 10 Part Megillas Esther Series With Rashi

Rabbi Moshe Elefant: Costumes on Purim

Rabbi Sruly Bornstein: Demons on Purim

Dr. Henry Abramson: Roman bans on Purim

The Purim Challenge



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