This week's idea on Mishna 3.4 is written by Brendi Waks. Brendi said, "Rabbi Leo and Lucy Dee were our Rabbi and Rebbetzin shortly after we arrived in Radlett. They made us feel very welcome and made themselves available to all members of our family, including through their toddlers' group, women's group, Bat mitzvah program, innovative and inclusive Tikun Leil Shavuot program, Friday night services, seudah rota and regular invitations for Shabbat lunches, all of which we partook of. Only after they left Radlett did I realize that, every week, they would each ask the Community Care Coordinator to provide them with a list of names of elderly or vulnerable members, all of whom they connected with. They were incredibly engaged and very inspiring leaders, with innovative ideas, lots of energy and a vision and genuine passion for changing the world and they were lovely to spend time with. t was this kind of individual connection they had with everyone that I believe left an indelible mark on our community, so it came as no surprise to me that this and other projects developed from seeds that Lucy planted." 🇮🇱 עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱
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