Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fwd: The Dee Pirkei Avot Project - TDPAP (3.5)

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From: The Dee Pirkei Avot Project <>
Date: Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 3:00 PM
Subject: The Dee Pirkei Avot Project - TDPAP (3.5)
To: <>

This week's idea on Mishna 3.5 is written by Via Kimche. Via was formerly Rebbetzin of Ner Yisrael and is a teacher of kodesh, Childbirth educator, kalla teacher, life coach and EFT practitioner. Having made Aliya 5 years ago, she and her husband are currently on a 2 year shlichut in Melbourne Mizrachi. She knew the Dees as a couple on the English rabbinic circuit and was always struck by their enthusiasm, their sincerity, their idealism, their intelligence, their sensitivity to others and their positivity. As Via says, "They radiated love of Torah, love of Israel and love of their fellow men – inspiring others to emulate them – like Aharon hacohen:

.אוהב שלום ורודף שלום , אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה

The world lost a huge amount of light and goodness when Lucy, Maia and Rina were so cruelly murdered. Only Hashem knows the reason, but the way Leo and the family have dealt with their unspeakable loss has been inspiring all of us."

יהי זכרם ברוך ושה׳ יביא את הגאולה לעמו הנצח

🇮🇱 עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱

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