Thursday, January 4, 2024

Fwd: Parshat Shemos - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Date: Thu, Jan 4, 2024, 11:50 AM
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Parshat Shemos with Reb Chaim Kramer

After turning to you in recent weeks with a request to join the "Printing Partners", we are very happy to inform you that right now, 2 volumes of Likutey Moharan in English and 2 volumes in Hebrew, the book Advice, Rebbe Nachman's Torah (Chumash) Shemot-Vayikra, and Bereishit, have all just gone to the printer.

With the help of Hashem, they will be ready in the coming weeks and will be sent to the United States.

With this, the complete set of Likutey Moharan in English will be finalized, as well as the Chumash set, and will be available for purchase again.

We still need your help to join the Printing Partners.

In return you will receive a set of fundamental Breslov books.
This week's parsha has an acute and revealing observation about truth.

In the opening passage, Pharaoh states, "The Jews are greater [in numbers] than we are. Let us enslave them, lest they force us to depart from the country."

Pharaoh with his imagination enslaved an entire nation. For the Jews knew they were visitors to his land and never thought of settling in Egypt. But, Pharaoh's imagination caused an entire nation to suffer cruel and inhumane punishment for many, many years.

The word PhaRaOH (פרעה) implies l'haPhRiAh (להפריע), to disturb. This represents the power of imagination to disturb and interrupt our search for the truth. Something will always come up that knocks us off course in life, and our imaginations make many attempts to follow a wrong course.

But once the imagination takes hold it remains in force and again and again will overpower our chances of finding the truth. This is seen in the last passage of the parsha. Moshe came to Pharaoh demanding him to release the Jews. Pharaoh becomes incensed and orders the Jews to work harder. As Reb Noson notes: "Overburden the Jews with their slave work; do not let them sway you with their falsehoods!" 

Well, who spoke falsehood to enslave an entire nation if not Pharaoh himself? But then he says to work harder! "Do not let them sway you…" Is he such an honest man that he says "do not let them sway you with falsehood?!" 

This is similar to the present-day evil Pharaoh, Hamas. They commit genocide: murder, rape, theft and so on, first against their own people, and then try to perpetrate the same atrocities against the Jewish People. And then they cry out "What is the truth?" "Why are you committing genocide against the Palestinians?" 

All one truly needs to do is to seek the truth. Then the truth will emerge amidst all the lies that are being spread by the media, politicians and all the other falsehoods being spread.

The message of the parsha is: Seek the Truth!

Have a great Shabbos

Chaim Kramer
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