Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fwd: Parshat Va'eira - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Date: Thu, Jan 11, 2024, 11:29 AM
Subject: Parshat Va'eira - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman
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Parshat Va'eira with Reb Chaim Kramer

We are very pleased to inform you that, after a long absence, the book 'Mashiach - Who? What? Why? Where? When?' has returned to bookstores.

This is a revised edition with a light and comfortable layout for reading.
In addition, the following books have already returned from the printing press and will soon be arriving in the United States:

Restore my Soul
Likutey Moharan vol. 4
Likutey Moharan vol. 9
The Abridged Likutey Moharan
The parsha speaks of God's commandment to Moshe to go to Pharaoh and tell him to release the Jews from bondage.

He then tells Moshe that He will bring Ten Plagues upon the Egyptians, and this week's parsha describes seven of these plagues.

Though I find all the plagues intriguing, my favorite is tzaphardeim - frogs!

The Midrash teaches that we find the word "tzaphardeim" (plural) written ten times in the passage about that plague. This
teaches us that this plague was so troubling to the Egyptians that it compares to all ten plagues!

The reason is that the frogs were everywhere, croaking, garbling and making such a racket that left the Egyptians with nary a moment of peace. Our Sages teach that the frogs were commanded to "enter" the Egyptians and this they did - they entered the Egyptians bodies through their orifices!

The Egyptians closed their doors and windows, and the frogs entered their homes through their solid walls! They entered the foods and baked goods; they entered every crevice they could find.

They even entered the ovens in order to spoil the baked goods of the Egyptians. The havoc and destruction were horrifying. They left no place where they weren't!

Imagine a home with these "critters" inside. Why were they sent? As  Rashi explains, they were the "sounds of war" - the sounds that are made by armies to frighten their enemies and terrify them. In
today's world, we call them the bombs and artillery that wreak destruction upon an enemy.

The Talmud describes the self-sacrifice of the frogs - they went through solid walls, they jumped into the fires of the ovens, etc.

This self-sacrifice is meant as a lesson to us. We are often beset with annoyances and troubling factors. The noise levels become unbearable, and the confusion is much worse. This is from the
Forces of Evil which try to frighten a person so he cannot think of his purpose in life. We hear things from all different places, from all mouths, from all media, and we cannot find tranquility along the way.

The answer is found in the self-sacrifice similar to that the frogs made. We must be willing to attempt the impossible. To enter through the so-called solid barriers that confront us. To be willing
to make the sacrifice of entering the crucibles of the fiery oppositions and fire of confrontations, all in order to do Hashem's Will.

This, as Reb Noson teaches, allows us to confront the enemy, the forces of evil, and to defeat them.

Have a great Shabbos!

Chaim Kramer
Healing Leaves
instead of

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