Thursday, January 4, 2024

Fwd: Standing Strong in Times Square; From Toothbrushes to Tourniquets; Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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Date: Thu, Jan 4, 2024, 6:53 PM
Subject: Standing Strong in Times Square; From Toothbrushes to Tourniquets; Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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How Does Shabbos Promote Social Equality?
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January 5-6, 2024 / 25 Tevet 5784


Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23


Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Shevat


Rosh Chodesh Shevat is celebrated on Thursday, January 11.

featured icon FEATURED
Standing Strong in Times Square
Standing Strong in Times Square
Orthodox Union

Since the horrific tragedies of October 7th, Jews have come together in a way we have never seen before. We are united. We are inspired. We are resilient.


As American Jews, we strongly support our brothers and sisters in Israel. What can we do to show our unity? How do we use our voice to show our resilience and strength? How about a billboard in Times Square? If you live/work in midtown Manhattan come check it out – it's located at 1500 Broadway and West 43rd Street.

There Was No Question That I Would Go
OU Relief Missions
"There Was No Question That I Would Go"

Torah Academy of Bergen County students participated in a life-changing OU relief mission to Israel.

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Music Builds Bridges
Yachad NJ
Music Builds Bridges

The George Weinberger Music Studio, which will be launched formally on January 6th at Yachad's annual gala, is not a simulation, and it is not a toy. It is a room outfitted with serious musical equipment, including complex boxes with dials and levers and the people who know how to use them.

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More Than 30 New Clubs
More Than 30 New Clubs

Jewish teens in public school are facing significant obstacles amid rising antisemitism. Fortunately, some of them have a JSU to turn to for support, education, and a safe space to be Jewish. JSU has opened more than 30 new clubs since October 7th.

Support Jewish Teens In Public School
From Toothbrushes to Tourniquets
Jewish Action
From Toothbrushes to Tourniquets

Never in their wildest dreams did Shelley and Ariel Serber expect their living room to be converted into a distribution center for the IDF.

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For a chance to be featured in Jewish Action, we want to know: With the ongoing situation in Israel and rising antisemitism in America, how do you maintain a sense of hope and optimism?

Respond Here

Jonathan Gribetz: Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Jonathan Gribetz: Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Jonathan Gribetz, a Princeton professor and scholar of Near Eastern and Judaic studies, talks about the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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  Yachad NJ  
Yachad NJ Gala
Motzei Shabbat, January 6, at 8 PM in Teaneck, NJ

Join Yachad NJ at their gala in tribute to the Adler family, Rena Soclof, and Rabbi Andrew and Racheli Israeli, and celebrating the launch of the George Weinberger Music Studio and Music Appreciation Program.

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Woman of Few Words
Tuesday, January 9, at 12:00 PM EST

Please join us for a pre-recorded interview with Cheri Tannenbaum, author of Woman of Few Words, as Cheri describes her life journey through dystonia and how she has coped with this disorder.

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  OU Women's Initiative  
Reflecting on Bitachon for Our Times
Wednesday, January 10, at 12 PM EST

Join the Women's Initiative and Yael Davidowitz for a reflection on the daily audio series, Bitachon for Our Times.

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  OU Women's Initiative  
The Women's Initiative's Second Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Siyum

Join us to commemorate the completion of Torat Imecha Nach Yomi's second cycle. Programming includes Nach Shabbat on January 13, siyum programming in Israel from January 22-24, and a siyum in Teaneck, NJ, on February 4.

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How Does Shabbos Promote Social Equality?
How Does Shabbos Promote Social Equality?

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon explains how Shabbos promotes family and social equality, among other things. Plus, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz on warming drawers, Rabbi Aryeh Kerzer on what's permitted during twilight on Friday, Rabbi Reuven Brand on grama, and more!

Read in Rabbi Rimon's Hilkhot Shabbat
More on L'Kadsho
Not Alone
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Not Alone

Any challenge is made so much more bearable when it is not borne alone.

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Hearing the Clarion Call
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Hearing the Clarion Call

Why are the countries of Ashur and Mitzrayim chosen to represent the global community when describing the dramatic ingathering of the Jewish people in Messianic times?

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Why Call to Moshe Twice?
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Why Call to Moshe Twice?

Why did God repeat Moshe's name when calling him from the burning bush? How does this serve as a paradigm for all of Moshe's future prophecy?

Read in Hebrew
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l

For the Jew, menschlichkeit is inseparable from Yiddishkeit.

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All About Shovavim and Shovavim Tat
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
All About Shovavim and Shovavim Tat

The weeks of the first six sedras in sefer Shemos are known by their Hebrew initials, which spell the word "Shovavim." (In leap years, it's eight weeks, known as "Shovavim Tat.") What is the significance of this period?

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The Challenge of Jewish Leadership
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
The Challenge of Jewish Leadership

When God asked Moses to lead the Jewish people, he refused four times, as if he knew what he would be getting into. It may be hard to be a Jew, but to be a leader is nearly impossible.

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Reading the Footnotes
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Reading the Footnotes

I often find myself disagreeing with the phrase, "It's just a footnote in history." I have found some of the most interesting and important facts buried, unseen by most people, in the footnotes of the books I read.

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Courage and Connection
Liat Mayerfeld
Courage and Connection

Relive the story of the Exodus with the daughter of Pharaoh, truly the daughter of Hashem.

Listen Now
From What Job Did Moshe Get Fired?

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