A. Shulchan Aruch (219:3) writes that Birchas Hagomel must be recited in the presence of ten men, and if possible, at least two of the men should be rabbis. Some say that if the bracha was recited without ten, one has still fulfilled their obligation. Others say that the bracha must be repeated in front of ten. The Mishnah Berurah (219:8 and Beiur Halacha) rules that if a minyan will be available within thirty days then it is proper to push off the bracha until it can be said properly with a minyan. However, if the bracha will be delayed beyond that, the bracha should be said without a minyan, provided it is recited with the intent that it is being said as a blessing of shevach ve'hodaah (praise and thanksgiving) and not as a chova (obligation). Rav Schachter ruled that if it is not possible to assemble a minyan, but it is possible to have ten men on a phone call or video conference, then the bracha should be said right away. The recitation of Kaddish, Barchu or chazaras hashatz can only be said in the presence of a live minyan because they are a davar she'bikedusha. Hagomel is not a davar she'bikedusha and the purpose of having ten men is to publicize the kindness that Hashem has done. Therefore, as long as ten men can hear the bracha, it is sufficient, even though there is actually no "minyan." |
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