Tuesday, November 9, 2021

FW: Remembering Kristallnacht and our Veterans

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-------- Original message --------
From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: 11/9/21 11:04 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: mates57564@aol.com
Subject: Remembering Kristallnacht and our Veterans

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

November 9-15 • Kislev 5-11

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

the Cohen, Kraut and Silver families in memory of Elaine Bienenfeld Silver z"l
by the Gluck Family l'ilui nishmas Sara bas Asher
Lisa and Ari Sugarman in memory of their grandfather Leo Billet, Yehudah Yaakov ben Mordechai z"l

New This Week

Rabbi Yehonatan Drory

The Nature of Birchas HaTorah

Why did Rashi make a Birchas haTorah twice? A new series focusing on the sefer Emek Bracha from Rabbi Aryeh Pomeranchik.

Listen Now
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Tips for Succeeding in Talmud Torah While Working

If you are asking the question of how to maintain your learning schedule when you enter the workforce, you are already winning.

Listen Now
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig

Semicha and The Halachic Nature of Rabbinic Authority

Where does rabbinic authority come from and how does it apply today, and what does it teach us about Jewish leadership?

Listen Now
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner

Wills and the Jewish Client

Could a secular will be recognized in Jewish law? How could a secular will be drafted (or accompanied), to suit the halachot of inheritance? And does Jewish law approve of disinheriting children?

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Rabbi Moshe Weinberger

Torah Lessons from Sports

Special divrei bracha in honor of Rabbi Yoni Levin's Siyum Hashas.

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Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

Searching for Reasons for Mitzvos

Why shouldn't the reason behind the mitzvah be the motivating factor for us to perform them?

Listen Now

Featured This Week

Remembering Kristallnacht

What lessons can we take from remembering the horrors of the Holocaust and what is the Torah perspective on it?

Listen Now
War in Halacha

As we honor Veteran's Day this year, take a moment to learn the Torah perspective on soldiers and war.

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

Recordings from the program on Sunday, November 7

The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon for Men and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women are programs of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.


Insights to the Daf with Shiurim for the week of Rosh Hashana 25-31

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen: Hands Up, Heads Up: Expanding my Avodas Hashem, Broadly & Deeply (29a)


Rabbi Mordechai Djavaheri: Shoes in Outdoor Minyanim and at War (31b)


Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: When a Rabbi Seems to Have Erred (25a) The Role of Halachic Intuition and Tradition in P'sak Halacha (26a)


Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: Mitzvot Tzrikhot Kavanah (28b)The Power of the Rabbis to Override Torah Law (29b)


Rabbi Josh Flug: Demystifying the New Fruit (30b)


Rabbi David Hellman: Remembering the Golden Calf (26a) Do Mitzvot Need Kavanah? (28a) Why Don't we Say the Shir Shel Yom at Mincha? (30b) When the Reason of a Law No Longer Applies (31b)


Rabbi Jesse Horn: Mitzvas Shofar: Tokayah or Shamyeah (29a)


Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz: The Role of Beis Din in Kiddush HaChodesh (25b)


Rabbi Yoni Levin: A Shofar from a Non-Kosher Animal (26b) Torah Chasah al Mamonan shel Yisroel (27a) Helping All Jews Fulfill their Obligations (29a) The Building of the Third Beis Hamikdash: Man-made or Supernatural (30a)

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