Friday, November 5, 2021

Fwd: Moshe and Modern Technology; Chanukah's Mystery Woman; Preferential Parenting

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2021, 7:37 PM
Subject: Moshe and Modern Technology; Chanukah's Mystery Woman; Preferential Parenting
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Watch: Rosh Hashanah Illuminated
Watch: Rosh Hashanah Illuminated
All Daf

As the daf yomi cycle continues its way through masechet Rosh Hashanah, enjoy this special video presentation from Rabbi Avrohom Reit about the complex halachot of shofar. Explore everything All Daf has to offer and download the app at

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PARSHAT TOLDOT November 5-6, 2021 / 2 Kislev 5782


HAFTARAH Malachi 1:1 – 2:7


SPECIAL DAYS Rosh Chodesh Kislev is celebrated on Friday, November 5.

Around the OU
Watch: Moments of Inspiration: The Orthodox Union's India COVID Campaign
Watch: Moments of Inspiration: The Orthodox Union's India COVID Campaign
Olam Together

Olam Together provides a look back at the Orthodox Union's campaign for India.

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Watch: Rosh Chodesh Kislev with Ms. Zissy Turner
Watch: Rosh Chodesh Kislev with Ms. Zissy Turner
OU Women's Initiative

Learn about the mystery woman at the center of our Chanukah tradition.

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Not the Time to Be Silent: How to Advocate for Your Loved One or Yourself
Not the Time to Be Silent: How to Advocate for Your Loved One or Yourself
The Spirit Initiative

Hear the story of how one family's advocacy saved a wife, mother and grandmother after a stroke, and how to advocate for your loved ones or yourself.

Register Now
Bergen County Jewish Community Flocks to The Great Big Vote
Bergen County Jewish Community Flocks to The Great Big Vote
Teach NJ

This week, Teach NJ's event to encourage the Jewish community in Bergen County to vote drew approximately 1,500 attendees, who enjoyed food from kosher vendors, music, games and entertainment, and made their voices heard at the polls.

Read more in the Jewish Link
Listen to the OU Community Fair Road Trip: Week III
Listen to the OU Community Fair Road Trip: Week III
OU Community Engagement

Enjoy an audio trip to West Hartford, CT, and Atlanta, GA. The OU Nachum Segal Road Trip is a terrific way to get ready for the fair, which will be online on Sunday, February 13, 2022.

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Join the OU Women's Initiative for a Purim Idea Lab This Tuesday
Join the OU Women's Initiative for a Purim Idea Lab This Tuesday
OU Women's Initiative

Why plan alone? Don't miss this nationwide collaborative session and start preparing now for a successful Purim in your community.

Register Now
What Is Mayim Achronim and Is It Obligatory?
What Is Mayim Achronim and Is It Obligatory?
Halacha Yomis

Halacha Yomis dives into the laws surrounding washing one's hands at the end of a meal.

Get the Answer
Was Jacob Right to Take the Blessings?
Was Jacob Right to Take the Blessings?
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Was Jacob right to deceive his father and take the blessing intended for Esau? Was Rebecca right in conceiving the plan? These are fundamental questions for moral life itself.

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Different Forms of Power
Different Forms of Power
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Why is strength considered Isaac's signal virtue? Why does he, of all the biblical heroes, carry the banner of power?

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Preferential Parenting
Preferential Parenting
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

What can we learn from the parental relationships in this week's parsha? Get the answer and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Why Doesn't God Reveal Himself?
Why Doesn't God Reveal Himself?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

God revealed himself to the prophets – why doesn't He do the same for us? From the new series Q&A with Rabbi Jack.

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Torat Imecha Parsha: Toldot
Torat Imecha Parsha: Toldot
Professor Shoshana Schechter

Join the OU Women's Initiative and Professor Shoshana Schechter for a weekly parsha shiur exploring themes across sefer Bereishit.

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The Right to Goats
The Right to Goats
Rabbi Menachem Genack

The drama surrounding Yitzchak's blessings to Yaakov and Esav symbolizes and prefigures the future lottery between two goats, one destined to be brought to God and one to Azazel.

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Religion by Relegation
Religion by Relegation
Rabbi Norman Lamm

We need the mechanics of the delegation of duties and tasks in order for society to function. We cannot and should not attempt to do everything by ourselves.

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Jewish Thought
Moshe and Modern Technology
Moshe and Modern Technology
Rabbi Gil Student

Did Moshe Rabbeinu know everything, including science and technology? Was he capable of building spaceships and nuclear missiles? Among Torah scholars, there seem to be two answers to those questions.

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Community Events
Watch: The Legacy of Elie Wiesel
Watch: The Legacy of Elie Wiesel
Jewish Future Pledge

Join the Jewish Future Pledge for a meaningful webinar to hear from Elie Wiesel's son, Elisha Wiesel, and his grandchildren on how his family is working to continue his legacy.

Register Here
Featured Company: Verena Street Coffee
Featured Company: Verena Street Coffee
OU Kosher

Verena Street Coffee has specially selected an optimal blend of beans from different origins for each of its coffee blends, creating a unique flavor profile.

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Featured Products
OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables – Fifth Edition
OU Manual for Checking Fruits and Vegetables – Fifth Edition
OU Press

This comprehensive work discusses the important issue of insect infestation in the foods we eat and how to properly prepare those foods.

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Unlocking the Torah Text – Bereishit
Unlocking the Torah Text – Bereishit
OU Press

Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth journey into the Torah portion through a series of studies on each parsha. Each study opens with a brief summary of the narrative and then presents probing questions designed to strike to the core of the text.

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Israel Free Spirit Positions
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OU Positions
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