Friday, January 7, 2022

Fwd: The Blessings of Blessings, Part 2

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From: Ki Heim Chayeinu <>
Date: Fri, Jan 7, 2022, 9:03 AM
Subject: The Blessings of Blessings, Part 2
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The Blessings of Blessings, Part 2
Rabbi Paysach Krohn
E30, The Blessings of Blessings, Part 2

Do you know the story of the fourth brochah of Birkas Hamazon? And why Chazal chose to put it in the brochah of bentching we say so frequently? Rabbi Krohn continues illuminating the words of bentching with basic and deeper explanantions, retelling the tragic story of the Harugei Beitar and the timeless message Chazal were imparting by adding this brochah to our bentching. Rabbi Krohn touches on the brochah one says for his host, reveals a hidden lesson for all the parents and grandparents among us, and finally, discusses the final lines of bentching and how much we can gain by making a point of bentching aloud, perhaps together, and learning about this incredible blessing.
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
E10, A Prayer for Posterity

Being blessed by our parents on Friday night is something we can all recall- from our earliest memories. Have you ever wondered what the reason is behind blessing children at this particular time? In this episode, Rebbetzin Smiles gives us insight into the significance of this minhag, as well as suggesting how we can utilize it to create cherished moments that our children will always treasure.
The Music of The Siyum:
Holocaust Tribute Medley
When We All Danced
Together (ft. Baruch Levine, Shloime Taussig...)
Ben Yomo:
BBQ Grills
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