Monday, January 3, 2022

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 1 Shevat 5782/January 3, 2022

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Mon, Jan 3, 2022, 4:31 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 1 Shevat 5782/January 3, 2022
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
January 3, 2022 - 1 Shevat 5782
News from the Agudah:

  • From the Mailbox: Recently, we have been sharing some troubling updates on the situation in Eretz Yisroel. In response we have gotten multiple requests from people who want to know what they can do to make a difference. See below for details on action you can take.

  • Attention all Bnosers: Bnos Agudas Yisroel will be having an exciting contest in honor of Rosh Chodesh! See below for more details and how to participate.

  • In honor of the 2nd anniversary of the 13th Global Siyum HaShas, we are pleased to be able to share with you previously unpublished personal stories. See below to read about a Londoner's personal experience.

  • Agudah's Yeshiva Summit 3.0 was only a few weeks ago. See below to watch a highlight video.

  • Yarchei Kallah will continue this week on Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos. See below for this week's schedule and how to join. 
Bnos Rosh Chodesh Contest
Attention all Bnosers: Bnos Agudas Yisroel will be having an exciting contest in honor of Rosh Chodesh! Show hakaras hatov to someone; a teacher, parent, friend, Hashem, and keep track of your progress with the chart on the image above. You can also download the chart by clicking here.

The contest begins Monday, January 3, Alef Shevat and ends Monday, January 24, Chaf Beis Shevat. Call the hotline, 720.721.4721, for more information!

For more information please email
Bridging the Miles: Memories of The Siyum
From London to MetLife to Kerestir to Yerushalayim?


It was seven and a half years ago and just over a month after my chasanah when my father in law came back from the Siyum HaShas in London and promised to sponsor a trip to the main siyum in America to any of us who completed Daf Yomi.

It was summer vacation so I decided to give it a try, not imagining even in my wildest dreams that I would manage to stick with the daf, day after day, 2,711 times over. During my four years in the Mir while living in Yerushalayim, I did daf in the evening and then again on the bus or tram to and from yeshiva. When we moved back to London and finally settled in Manchester, I learned with my chavrusa in the evening, my wife and my in laws encouraging me through the most difficult sugyas.

And then a few months ago it hit me - I had made it almost all the way through Shas! My wife and I started searching for tickets for our first trip ever for America, finding accommodations and making arrangements for our children. None of it was easy to work out but we had gotten this far and we were going to The Siyum with my in laws, come what may.

We could already feel the Siyum HaShas in the air when we left the UK on Monday and while we woke up on Wednesday morning charged with excitement, nothing could have prepared us for the magnificence of The Siyum and a מעמד כבוד התורה the likes of which we could have never imagined attending. Each part of the four hour long program was a highlight on its own: being misayem Shas along with my father in law and thousands of others, hearing the Hadran, the dancing, the zichron kedoshim tribute that was the ultimate revenge against Hitler, seeing so many Jews of all ages coming together at this historic gathering and hearing 92,000 people saying kabalas ol malchus shomayim in a single, united voice. There are no words that could possibly express the feeling of true simchas haTorah which was simply indescribable and an experience we will never forget.
We left The Siyum on a high and a month later, we still find ourselves floating. I have shown videos and pictures of the Siyum HaShas to friends, and while it was uplifting, it doesn't come close to what it was like to be there in person. That Agudath Israel of America was able to put together an event of this magnitude is mind boggling and the fact that it went off without a hitch is nothing short of remarkable.

I am part of a vaad of 12 friends who meet every two weeks by one of our old mashgichim, ten of whom have been inspired to try making it through the Daf Yomi cycle for the first time. We flew to Kerestir together last Motzei Shabbos to visit the kever of Reb Shayale, booking seats next to each other so that we could learn the daf together on the flight, something we saw many others doing as well, an international display of chizuk and kavod haTorah taking place at an altitude of 35,000 feet. Several of my friends and I have opened up savings accounts where we are putting aside £1a day to cover the cost of the trip to the next Siyum HaShas. We hope that it will take place in Yerushalayim, but if not, we will be back in America, together with my father in law who will be making his third siyum.
Question: I am reaching out to see if there is any way I could be of help in maintaining the kedusha of the Kosel. Recently, there was an article in the Hamodia urging Diaspora Jews  specifically to help, as the Reform claim to speak on behalf of the Diaspora Jews. Yet, it was unclear to whom one should voice an opinion, pen a letter, or direct any other helpful advocacy. I was hoping you could give me some clearer guidance. Do our Rabbonim feel that rallies attended by all stripes of Orthodoxy (perhaps one for men and separate one for women) be a helpful endeavor to bring awareness to Israeli secular politicians of our strongly-held beliefs and convictions?

Response from Mrs. Leah Aharoni and I am the Israel Director at Am Echad: There is indeed a lot that American Orthodox community can do to help. I am pasting below my answer to this very question in an interview to Hamodia last week.

You can learn more about Am Echad on our site and also join our list for updates on activities and news from EY.

From Hamodia: You can read the full article by clicking here.

Do you believe Orthodox Jews in America and elsewhere can and should get involved in this fight?


You need to understand that the American Reform have branded themselves in Israel as "Diaspora Jewry." Then they come to the Israeli government and say that unless you partition the Kotel or pass conversion reform, we "Diaspora Jewry" are going to be very upset and cut ties with Israel.

Essentially all of these religious reforms are done in your name!  So unless the real Diaspora Jewry stands up and says, "We want to be counted and we want our voice heard," they'll continue doing that.

The frum community needs to stand up and say, "We are the Diaspora Jewry, too — there are actually more of us than the Reform, and we do not want to change the nature of the Jewish State, and they don't speak in our name."
Practically speaking there is a lot that each individual can do.

First of all, they need to educate themselves, to stay abreast of the  developments, because we're at a critical junction when there is danger that Israel will lose its Jewish identity. We think of Israel as a Jewish State, but that Jewish nature is falling apart.

Secondly, this needs to become the "hot item" in the community – discuss it with your friends, if you use media, share items and opinions. Hold a parlor meeting or bring a speaker to your community.
Thirdly,  you can absolutely write letters, both to Bennett and to Kahana, speak out, and write op-eds. We need to put up the pressure. If you have Israeli friends, talk to them.

Fourth, if you use social media, we welcome you to put up a post describing your connection to the Kotel and your opposition to partitioning it. If you do so, please be sure to include a hashtag #NotInMyName.

And finally, we need to support organizations like Am Echad, which is taking the voice of the frum community to the government.
Watch! Knowledge is Power: Yeshiva Summit 3.0
Click here or on the image below to watch.
Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:
The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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