Friday, April 8, 2022

Fwd: Your Metzorah Devar Torah Has Arrived!

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 10:33 PM
Subject: Your Metzorah Devar Torah Has Arrived!
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Shabbos Hagadol 5782 The Message of the Final Words of Nevuah.

Shabbos Hagadol 5782 The Message of the Final Words of Nevuah.


Duration: 9:30

Rabbi Ilan Ginian is the author of The Navi Journey series. For over 25 years he has been at the forefront of empowering and building the lives of teens at risk and families as a whole. Rabbi Ginian delivers shiurim in communities, schools, and Shuls, which are known for inspirational and Mussar-oriented growth.


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Metzorah 5782

Metzorah 5782


Duration: 10:42

Rabbi Moshe Elefant is Chief Operating Officer of OU Kosher and the maggid shiur of the Orthodox Union's Daf Yomi webcast (whose 1,800 learners a day around the globe make his lectures the most popular Daf in the world). For listeners of the popular Talkline With Zev Brenner radio program, Rabbi Elefant's name has additionally become strongly identified with the Pesach holiday, as he joins the host on-air for the weeks leading up to the holiday to help people with their kashrut questions.


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Metzorah - The Mysterious Medrash

Metzorah - The Mysterious Medrash


Duration: 24:25

Dean of Sara Schenirer Institutions, Rabbi Elazar Meisels is a dynamic and engaging speaker with a global following on TorahAnytime. Renowned for his unique and thought-provoking approach, his passion for the subject matter pours forth in every lecture. He is also the founding director of the Lidrosh Institute of Torah Studies, an adult Jewish education program that serves hundreds of adults.


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Do Our Jobs Change Us?

Do Our Jobs Change Us?


Duration: 6:00

Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph is the Orthodox Union's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. He is the senior professional leader, responsible for all aspects of OU programs and operations, other than OU Kosher. He joined the OU from Yeshiva University where he served in a variety of roles over 16 years, ultimately rising to senior vice president. In that role, he established and implemented strategic plans, managed the university's operations, and played key roles in major initiatives such as the Presidential Fellowship, the university's response to the coronavirus, and mentoring and coaching numerous students and professionals about their goals, lives, and careers.

In 2009, Rabbi Howard Joseph, z"l, began a weekly email translating a piece of the Neziv's Haamek Davar and explaining it. Now, his son Josh is bringing these Torah gems to All Parsha.


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Metzorah - Recap

Metzorah - Recap


Duration: 1:37

R' Zecharia Resnik has been living in Israel since 2007. He spends his days learning in a local Halacha kollel in Yerushalayim, where he lives with his wife and five children. At times when Zecharia isn't in kollel [or preparing the Daf!], he is involved in speaking engagements and numerous chesed projects in and around the neighborhood.


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