Thursday, May 12, 2022

FW: Understanding the Moadim

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-------- Original message --------
From: YUTorah <>
Date: 5/12/22 6:00 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Understanding the Moadim

New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Emor

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

Parshat Emor 5782

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Parshat Emor

with 10 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Learn about the Parsha

Topics from Emor
The Messages of Sefiras Ha'Omer

What does this week's parsha teach us about the laws and lessons of the period of counting the Omer?

Browse the Shiurim
The Holiness of the Kohen

What makes the kohanim so special that they have a whole separate set of laws associated with them?

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Emor
Rabbi Yisroel Bloom: Creating Boundaries
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: Counting Our Days: The Journey in Creating a Relationship with God
Rabbi Avishai David: The Double-Edged Sword of Dibbur
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: Imbuing Our Deeds With Holiness
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: The Giving Holiday
Morah Stacey Goldman: Gifts to the Poor
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: How Many Stones?
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: איך מכים את השני בלי מכות
Rabbi Josh Grajower: Can I Start Chazaras Hashatz Yet?
Rabbi Ari Kahn: Kodesh and Chalal
Rabbi Shaya Katz: Becoming People Of Potential
Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam: Kemach Yoshon Outside of Eretz Yisrael
Rabbi Isaac Rice: Laziness vs. Gevurah
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Wonderous Waving
Rabbi Dovid Sukenik: Does Vekidashto Apply in Death and Techiyas Hameisim?
Rabbi Yaacov Thaler: Tug of War
Rabbi Moshe Walter: The Backstory Behind the Mekalel
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: "Making" Mitzvos and Personal Kavanos
Rabbi Avraham Willig: A Lesson About Sensitivity
Rabbi Mordechai Willig: Reaping the Rewards of Rabbinics: The Importance of a Career in Klei Kodesh
Rabbi Jonathan Ziring: How are all the Holidays Judgment Days?
Recent Articles on Emor
Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald: Priests and Death: An Unusual Relationship
Mrs. Michal Horowitz: You Shall Rejoice Before Hashem
Rabbi Chaim Metzger: Celebrating Together
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran: What Changes When We Count?
Rabbi Simon Wolf: The Curse that Strikes a Punch
Parsha Resources

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