Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Fwd: Counting Toward Sinai Shabbat Tefillot and Zemirot, Day 38

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2022, 6:00 AM
Subject: Counting Toward Sinai Shabbat Tefillot and Zemirot, Day 38
To: <>

The OU Women's Initiative

Learning together with women worldwide about Shabbat Tefillot and Zemirot as we journey from Pesach to Shavuot.
(Shabbat and Yom Tov days are excluded)

Today's video: Day 38: Ata Echad, Mincha Amidah,
Rebbetzin Miriam Gefen

(click here to watch)

Grand Sponsor
לעילוי נשמת טשארנע ליבא בת ר' יצחק יהוּדה   
Dedicated in loving memory of Charne Liba bas R' Yitzchok Yehudah by her children: Ella Shapiro, Harry Klaristenfeld, Nancy Wilamowsky

Rebbetzin Miriam Gefen
Day 38, Ata Echad, Mincha Amidah

Rebbetzin Miriam Gefen is a senior educator for Aish UK. Miriam grew up in London. After studying and living in Israel, Miriam moved to Manchester with her family to join the Aish Manchester team. Miriam is passionate about Jewish education and outreach and displays a proven ability to reach and teach adolescents and adults from across the board. She is an inspirational speaker and has a deep commitment to spreading Torah values and sharing the beauty of Judaism. She is also a highly experienced Kallah Teacher and guides many women in their marriages. She teaches a range of subjects and helps others apply the ancient wisdom of the Torah to their modern lives. She enjoys connecting with and advising students, young adults and married women.
You can also find the Counting Toward Sinai series on our webpage at 
and on the Torat Imecha app:
Click here for Apple download of the app
Click here for Google play download of the app

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