Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Fwd: Listen to OU Women’s Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Vayeira

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Wed, Nov 9, 2022, 6:01 AM
Subject: Listen to OU Women's Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Vayeira
To: <>

Sefer Bereishit

Dedicated in loving memory of our beloved parents,
Dr. Manfred R. and Sara Anne Lehmann,

שרה ורי מנשה רפאל
Jacob and Rose Siegel,

שרה ראסא ויעקב הלוי
By Yitzchok and Barbie Lehmann Siegel 

Parshat Vayeira

            Dedicated by Rabbi Refoel and Sharon E. Pearl Auman              

in memory of our parents, 

Rabbi Leonard and Jean E. Pearl 

הרב יהודה ליב ז״ל בן הרב בן-ציון ז״ל 


טויבע זעלדע ע״ה בת ר׳ זאב ז״ל  

and in memory of our son, 

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Auman 

 הרב שמואל אליהו ז״ל בן הרב רפאל נ״י


 in memory of 

our two maternal uncles, 

who died on the same Hebrew date, years apart 

Herbert Kass and Alan J. Kass

ר׳ חיים ב׳ר זאב ז״ל                  ר׳ אלתר יעקב ב׳ר זאב ז״ל 

כ״ב מרחשון

Learn the parsha cycle with the OU Women's Initiative
A weekly 10-15 minute audio shiur designed to fit any schedule

Dr. Chani Tannenbaum

Click Below to listen to this week's shiur on
Parshat Vayeira
with Dr. Chana Tannenbaum

Listen Now

Dr. Chana Tannenbaum lectures at Bar Ilan University, Matan, and other adult learning initiatives. She has worked as a Jewish educator, in teaching and administration, for more than 30 years. She earned her doctorate at Yeshiva University, where she was also the recipient of the Baumel award, given to the most outstanding faculty member throughout Yeshiva University. Dr. Tannenbaum made aliyah with her family in 1997, moving to Nof Ayalon.

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