Thursday, January 12, 2023

Fwd: From Curses to Blessings; Kosher Canned Fish; Advancing Your Cause

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2023, 9:40 PM
Subject: From Curses to Blessings; Kosher Canned Fish; Advancing Your Cause
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1,500th Issue
1,500th Issue
Torah Tidbits

OU Israel's Torah Tidbits is celebrating its 1,500th issue this week. Browse the many divrei Torah and articles, and be sure to read Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman's new column, Haftorah Insights.

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PARSHAT SHEMOT January 13-14, 2023 / 21 Tevet 5783


HAFTARAH Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23

Around the OU
New OU President Plans Quiet Diplomacy to Make Voice Heard
New OU President Plans "Quiet Diplomacy" to Make Voice Heard
Yochonon Donn

Yated Ne'eman interviewed our new President Mitchel Aeder about his perspective on the current events affecting the Jewish community and about projects he'd like to launch during his tenure.

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Even The Stones Are Treif
"Even The Stones Are Treif"
Jewish Action

Learn about the kashrut chaos of the late nineteenth century that spurred the founding of OU Kosher.

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Annual Legislative Breakfast Draws Record 750 Guests
Annual Legislative Breakfast Draws Record 750 Guests
Teach Florida

Florida legislators and Jewish community leaders joined Teach Florida at its annual event to celebrate $60 million in 2022 funding for Jewish day school families.

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Rabbi Moshe Hauer at BRS This Shabbat
Rabbi Moshe Hauer at BRS This Shabbat
Orthodox Union

In Boca for Shabbat? Join our EVP, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, who will be speaking multiple times over Shabbat at the Boca Raton Synagogue.

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Advancing Your Cause
Advancing Your Cause
Maury Litwack

Raising millions for your cause, openly talking about failures and learning business lessons from the Cleveland Browns. These topics and so much more are all passionately answered by Maury Litwack in this podcast.

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Israel Tour to Bet Shearim and Caesaria
Israel Tour to Bet Shearim and Caesaria
OU Israel

OU Israel presents an exciting full-day tiyul with guide Eitan Morell on Thursday, January 26th. The tour will visit two important cities, offering two different models​ of the Jews' struggle with Western culture.

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Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Torah Initiatives Parsha Trivia and Sweepstakes
Rabbi Yitzy Fox

Solve these parsha questions, with the chance to win a prize if you answer a bonus question correctly. Congratulations to last week's parsha trivia winner, Devorah Levinson.

Read Trivia Questions
Representatives of Hashem
Representatives of Hashem
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

In the parsha, our slavery in Egypt is described as beginning with the rise of a new king over Egypt, "who did not know Yosef."

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Moshe's Name
Moshe's Name
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why did God repeat Moshe's name twice when calling him from the burning bush? How does this serve as a paradigm for all of Moshe's future prophecies?

Read in Hebrew
How to Raise a Moses
How to Raise a Moses
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l

There is nothing more sensational than the knowledge that it is within the power of each and every one of us to raise a Moses.

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Understanding Anim Zemiros
Understanding Anim Zemiros
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Shir HaKavod – better known by its opening words, "Anim Zemiros" – is sung in most shuls every Shabbos. But what is it talking about?

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Turning Curses Into Blessings
Turning Curses Into Blessings
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

The worse things get, the stronger we become. Jews are the people who not only survive but thrive in adversity.

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Spiritual Time Management
Spiritual Time Management
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

The two old men couldn't have been more different from each other. Yet they both taught me the identical life lesson.

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Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Women's Initiative Weekly Parsha Series
Dr. Danielle Bloom

How can we understand all the suffering that Hashem gave us?

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Shnayim Mikra
Shnayim Mikra
Halacha Yomis

This week we read parshas Shemos, which is an acronym for Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum. Find out about this mitzvah.

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Rabbi Chaim Goldberg Talks Kosher Canned Fish
Rabbi Chaim Goldberg Talks Kosher Canned Fish
Steven Genack

Learn about the meaning and evolution of canned fish, fish farming, what happened to cod, where the OU's canned fish is manufactured, commercial canning procedures, what makes a fish kosher, bishul akum and how Uganda was conquered in sixty hours.

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Featured Books
Unlocking the Torah Text – Shemot
Unlocking the Torah Text – Shemot
OU Press

Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth journey into the Torah portion through a series of studies on each parsha. Deep philosophical issues and perplexing textual questions are carefully examined and discussed in clear and incisive fashion.

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The Crowns on the Letters
The Crowns on the Letters
OU Press

Rabbi Ari Kahn's The Crowns on the Letters is an immensely learned and deeply creative interpretation of many fundamental aggadot relating to the intellectual biographies of the Tannaim and Amoraim.

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Accounting Positions
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