Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Fwd: This Weeks Sichos

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From: Hakhel Project Likkutei Sichos <>
Date: Wed, Jan 18, 2023, 10:33 PM
Subject: This Weeks Sichos
To: Yaakov <>

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Send in a picture of you learning Likkutei Sichos - with your family, friends, chavrusa or even on your own! - to be featured in our next campaign. Please email your photos to Thank you for your continued support and participation!


Sicha #1: חלק טז • וארא • שיחה ג

Sicha Poem

by Mrs. Chanie Gourarie

Story on the Sicha

by R' Yossi Nemes

Farbrengen on the Sicha

Podcast by R' Yossi Serebryanski

Kids Video

by Gourarie Family

Meaningful Minute

by R' Mendel Lipskier

Children's page

by R' Yossi Hadakov

Sicha Summary

by R' Eli Block

Sicha #2: חלק טז • וארא • שיחה ד

60 Second Reel

by Mrs. Rivky Slonim

Sicha Poem

by R' Mottel Friedman

90 Seconds Reel

by R' Ari Shishler

Sicha Summary

by R' Eli Block

Feature of the Week

Yud Shvat starts Year four!!
Watch your email for the upcoming New learning cycle for year four.

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