Wednesday, May 5, 2021

aneinu BDE Updated List of Injured

Baruch Dayan HaEmes. With great sadness I have removed Yehuda ben Milka hy"d from the list of injured. 19-year-old Yehuda Guetta hy"d, a yeshiva bachur, was critically wounded in the attack at the Tapuah junction earlier this week. May Hashem comfort his family among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim. B"H I have removed Amichai ben Ronit from the list as he has been discharged from the hospital. May we hear besoros tovos. Aharon ben Faiga Avraham ben Chana Hinda Elazar ben Re-u-ma Esther Pessel bas Baila Chaya Menachem Mendel ben Gita Perel Mordechai Aharon ben Mirel Yocheved Nachman Eliyahu ben Serach Miriam Shraga Eliyahu ben Shoshana Yerachmiel Doniel ben Tova Masha Yosef Azriel ben Chaya Michal of Sunday's Terrorist attack: Benaya Yisroel ben Aviva Soldiers stabbed on Lag B'Omer: Ohr ben Ilanit Yarin ben Limor

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