It was over in a matter of hours.
Missouri HB349, a school choice bill that provides tuition scholarships through a tax credit, passed in the Missouri House yesterday and is on its way to the governor.
"We were pleasantly surprised," says Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs, Agudath Israel of Illinois, a former Missourian who has led the Agudah's efforts in Missouri. "The bill was being held hostage in committee and we were fearful it was going to die there, and then yesterday, in a matter of hours, it was voted out of the committee, released to the senate floor, voted on and passed."
Agudah and its school choice partners are elated at the news.
A 100% tax credit
The legislation works similarly to tax credit programs in states such as Illinois, Georgia, and many others.
Missouri taxpayers can donate as much as 50% of their tax liability to eligible non-profit scholarship organizations. The donors receive a 100% tax credit for their donation, and the non-profits then award the money to students through ESAs (Education Savings Accounts). In total, $6,375 can go to eligible students for education-related expenses in a public, charter, virtual, private, or home school.
To be eligible for these scholarships, students must not have attended a Missouri private school the previous school year. Students who attended public school, moved from out of state, or are entering kindergarten would be eligible. Once awarded, these students can continue to receive scholarships in subsequent years. The program is limited to Missouri's urban and suburban regions.
Priority for eligible scholarship applicants is based on income or having an IEP (Individualized Education Program).
In the St. Louis Jewish private school community, the bill could immediately impact incoming kindergartners and those moving from out of state. Children who are eligible as they enter private school continue to be eligible throughout their years in school.
"We fought for years"
As quickly as it happened yesterday, the bill's passing is a culmination of years of hard work.
"So many people worked on this for so long," explains Rabbi Soroka. "The community was very engaged, writing letters and emails, and making trips to Missouri's capital, Jefferson City. We have so many allies and partners that deserve credit."
Agudah thanks the American Federation for Children, the Children's Education Alliance of Missouri (CEAM), Missouri CAPE, ExcelINEd, EdChoice and all the coalition members for their advocacy and hard work.
In the Missouri legislature, the bill had many champions who pushed it forward: Senate Majority Leader Caleb Rowden, Senators Andrew Koenig and Cindy O'Laughlin, Speaker of the House Rob Vescovo, and House sponsor Rep. Phil Christofanelli.
"We fought for this for years," says Rabbi Soroka. "Similar bills were introduced and progressed in prior attempts but never made it to the finish line. The fact that leadership made this issue a top priority was crucial to the effort, and the pandemic changed many people's perspective about the need for children to have alternatives."
This bill, too, had its fair share of drama and uncertainty. First, the legislation barely squeaked by in the House, passing with exactly enough votes. It was then held up in the Senate Fiscal Oversight Committee until Thursday afternoon.
The bill isn't law yet; it still needs to be signed by the governor. But yesterday marked a major victory for school choice in Missouri.
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