Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual. | | July 15, 2021 - 6 Av 5781 News from the Agudah:
- Bnos Agudas Yisroel will be having a Tisha B'Av event for girls grades 2-5, and another event for high school and post high school girls. See below for more details and how to join.
- The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a sefer on the halachos of Shiva Asar B'Tamuz, the Three Weeks, and Tisha B'Av, with a new addition of the special Haachos of Tisha B'Av on a Sunday. See below for more info and to download
- The Agudah's Yeshiva Services Department announced the launch of its newly redesigned website, to serve as a resource for yeshivas and day schools. See below for more information.
- Agudah's Commission on Torah Projects is proud to be a cosponsor of Tisha B'Av Kinnos featuring Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff. See below for more details and how to join.
| | Bnos Tisha B'Av Program for Girls Grades 2-5 | | Bnos Agudas Yisroel will be having a Tisha B'av program on Sunday, July 18 for girls grades 2-5 and will feature Rabbi Mayer Erps, master storyteller, at 3:15 PM ET.
To join either program call 425-436-6277 and use access code 244274.
| | Bnos Tisha B'Av Program for High School and Post High School Girls | | Bnos Agudas Yisroel will be having a Tisha B'av program on Sunday, July 18 for high school and post high school girls and will feature Mrs. Tehilla Gailer, at 2:00 PM ET.
To join either program call 425-436-6277 and use access code 244274.
| | Agudath Israel's Midwest Council of Synagogue Rabbonim Release Sefer on Hilchos Three Weeks, the Month of Av, and Special Halachos of Tisha B'Av on a Sunday | | Click here or on the image above for a downloadable PDF. | | The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a sefer on the halachos of Shiva Asar B'Tamuz, the Three Weeks, and Tisha B'Av, with a new addition of the special Halachos of Tisha B'Av on a Sunday, from Rabbi Doniel Neustadt, Rav, Pine River, Lakewood, NJ, beginning on page 46.
The content for the sefer was compiled and written by Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Executive Director, Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbanim, and reviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois. The Three Weeks are a time that we seek to better ourselves and bring Klal Yisroel closer to the Geulah. This Tisha B'Av ensure that you are in the right mindset by learning all the relevant hilchos hazman.
Click here to download a printable PDF. | | Agudah's Yeshiva Services Department Announces Website Resource to Serve Yeshivas and Day Schools | | Agudah's Yeshiva Services Department is glad to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website. The website was designed to serve as a vital resource for schools, with our compliance and guidance memos, as well as important dates and deadlines posted. The search function enables schools to find memos on any topic that we have disseminated information about. There is also a calendar with upcoming dates and deadlines that can be synced with your personal calendar. The Yeshiva Services Department champions and guides yeshivos and day schools, advocates for resources at all levels of government, educates and guides yeshiva leadership, and defends yeshivos and their unique character under the guidance of Gedolei Yisroel, ensuring the continued growth of Klal Yisroel. We are hopeful that our new website will serve as a helpful resource to schools and further the learning of tinokos shel bais rabban. If you have any questions or would like to join our mailing list for NY schools, you can reach out to us at | | Tisha B'Av Kinnos Featuring Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff | | Time: Tisha B'Av, Sunday, July 18, at 9:15 AM ET In person: Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin, 2913 Avenue L, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Call In: 718-298-2077 EXT 54 | | | | | | |
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