Wednesday, February 1, 2012


to help with the 2 halachos a day for the machsom lifi this is a good choice 10% OFF AT KESHER STAM HaGaon Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman suggested that 100 people in Chicago sign up to not speak Loshon Hara for one week. This will be a z’chus for Refoel Shlomo Baruch ben Shaindel Bracha and all the cholim in Klal Yisroel Please respond to this email as soon as possible to sign up by name for this special mitzvah and may we only hear besiros tovos. Please respond to PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD - PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR CONTACTS! To all who would like to sign up to refrain from loshon hora as a zchus for Rabbi Pomerantz and all cholim, according to the words of HaRav Shteinman, please start immediately. Please send me an email, but do not wait to hear my response. I will, Imy"H contact all of you when I can. May Rabbi Pomerantz, and all cholim have a refuah shlema b'karov.

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