Wednesday, July 7, 2021

FW: [aneinu] Update - Injured List

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 7/6/21 9:34 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Update - Injured List

Update from Chaya Michal - Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal 

Hi all....

B"h we are settling in to Alyn.  

Our trip was b"h uneventful....and no, I did not get here before the ambulance this time lol.  Attached is the picture of the ambulance, custom ordered for Yossi.
The staff here are all very nice and welcoming, although one person said to me..."we do not say welcome, we only say it's nice to meet you and we hope you leave soon."  In Yossi's case, though, the longer we are here the better, as that would mean that Yossi is steadily progressing.  Going home in two months might not be so great, as that would probably mean that Yossi did not progress that well and although there is always hope for improvement even later, for now there's not much else to do.
Yossi's room opens onto a nice veranda/walkway facing the Jerusalem forest which is really lovely.  So once again Hashem sends us a VIP room with a beautiful view.
Therapists have been in and out all day assessing Yossi......physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech (for communication and also eating), social workers (for me apparently), nutritionists (not for me), and the doctors in charge. And the cat.  Who lives here.  And came to check us out. Because he's in charge.  He seems to think so anyway.
It's hard to go anywhere with me in RBS, everyone wants to know how we're doing.  My kids know I show up now at least 1/2 hour late than I tell them, and Mendy is getting super good at being patient waiting while I schmooze. But it's so wonderful for me to hear that people are davening for our Yossel.  
And another thing.....I totally loved the beach in Haifa.  You could float on your back for hours there; it's like a calm swimming pool.  Every time I told Yechiel how much I loved it there yechiel would say...."you know, we could sell our house and buy something really nice here...."
I could never move.  Everyone stops me in the street to wish us well and tell us how much they are davening for us.  
It is so very beautiful that I can't get anywhere without being late.  
Thank you all so much for your continued tefillos for Yossi and Elazar,
Bsuros tovos......

Ps....Before I left Rambam, I went to try to find any of Yossi's things he may have had with him on Lag Beomer....his music thingie, rav kav, whatever. They didn't have anything.  But on my search I got sent to the security office to check there.  I started to explain to the lady there that my 15 yr old son came in 2 months ago.....she immediately asked me.."you're chaya michal?"
Totally threw me for a loop....only 2 people call me that in the world (my cool first grade teacher and my father's old friend 😊)!?
And then I realized. I started to cry (of course). She told me her whole family davens for Yossi
...especially her mother who is very religious and even lights shabbos candles.
So beautiful.


Givat Zev Injured
Akiva ben Bina
Alter Shmuel Yitzchok ben Tzipa
Avraham Chaim ben Aidel Miriam
Avraham Elimelech ben Fraidel
Chaim Shlomo ben Esther Hindel
Dov Ber ben Edda
Dovid Tzvi ben Liba
Eliezer Menachem Mendel ben Golda Fraida
Ephraim Bentzion ben Bracha
Menachem Mendel ben Ayalah Penina
Meshulam ben Chana
Mordechai ben Miriam Perel
Moshe Yosef ben Chaya Rochel
Moshe Yosef ben Toiba Yehudis
Shimon ben Leah
Shlomo ben Alte Chana
Shlomo ben Machla
Shmuel ben Chaya Liba
Shmuel Meir ben Zelda
Shmuel Tzvi ben Bryna Fruma
Tzvi Akiva ben Raize Gittel
Tzvi Mordechai Chaim ben Basya Henya Ita 
Yaakov ben Gittel
Yaakov Meir Yosef ben Leah Dina
Yechezkel ben Alte Bracha
Yehoshua ben Devorah
Yehuda Leib ben Bina Rus
Yehuda Yitzchok ben Nechama Rivka
Yeshayahu ben Chaya Fradel
Yisroel ben Henya Rivka
Yisroel ben Sarah
Yissocher Moshe ben Rochel
Yitzchok ben Malka
Yitzchok Mordechai ben Rivka
Yochanan ben Gittel
Yom-Tov Simcha ben Chaya Yehudis
Yosef ben Gittel
Yosef ben Liba
Yosef Dovid ben Rivka
Zev ben Hadasa

A Tehillim Yachad has been set up at the following link:

Injured in Meron
Elazar ben Re-u-ma
Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal 
Injured in Israel War/Terror Attack
Benaya Yisroel ben Aviva
Elad ben Julia 
Noam ben Adi
Shalev Ben Revital 
Yinon Yehuda ben Vered Rosa

Injured in Italy
Eitan Moshe ben Tal (until 7/10/21)

Injured in Poland Car Accident
Yosef Mordechai ben Elisheva
Yechezkel Dov ben Fayge Freidel

Stabbed in Boston
Shlomo ben Zlata Miriam (until 7/16/21)

To daven for the injured and for the safety of Eretz Yisroel please join the Tehillim whatsapp
                                             פרק 6/ו
(א) לַמְנַצֵּחַ בִּנְגִינוֹת עַל הַשְּׁמִינִית מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד:
 (ב) ה' אַל בְּאַפְּךָ תוֹכִיחֵנִי וְאַל בַּחֲמָתְךָ תְיַסְּרֵנִי:
 (ג) חָנֵּנִי ה' כִּי אֻמְלַל אָנִי רְפָאֵנִי ה' כִּי נִבְהֲלוּ עֲצָמָי:
 (ד) וְנַפְשִׁי נִבְהֲלָה מְאֹד וְאַתָּה ה' עַד מָתָי:
 (ה) שׁוּבָה ה' חַלְּצָה נַפְשִׁי הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי לְמַעַן חַסְדֶּךָ:
 (ו) כִּי אֵין בַּמָּוֶת זִכְרֶךָ בִּשְׁאוֹל מִי יוֹדֶה לָּךְ:
 (ז) יָגַעְתִּי בְּאַנְחָתִי אַשְׂחֶה בְכָל לַיְלָה מִטָּתִי בְּדִמְעָתִי עַרְשִׂי אַמְסֶה:
(ח) עָשְׁשָׁה מִכַּעַס עֵינִי עָתְקָה בְּכָל צוֹרְרָי:
 (ט) סוּרוּ מִמֶּנִּי כָּל פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן כִּי שָׁמַע ה' קוֹל בִּכְיִי:
 (י) שָׁמַע ה' תְּחִנָּתִי ה' תְּפִלָּתִי יִקָּח:
 (יא) יֵבֹשׁוּ וְיִבָּהֲלוּ מְאֹד כָּל אֹיְבָי יָשֻׁבוּ יֵבֹשׁוּ רָגַע:

1) For the musician, with musical accompaniment on the sheminis instrument, a mizmor by David. (2) Hashem, don't rebuke me in Your anger. Don't chastise me in Your rage. (3) Grant me Your mercy, Hashem, for I have been cut down. (4) Heal me, Hashem, for my bones shake with terror. My soul is utterly terrified, and You Hashem — How long? (5) Turn back, Hashem, release my soul. Save me as befits Your kindness ... (6) for there is no mention of You in death. In the grave who will thank You? (7) I am exhausted from groaning; every night my bed is drenched; with my tears I soil the place where I have lain.  (8) My eye is dimmed from anger, aged by all my tormentors. (9) Depart from me all wrongdoers, for Hashem has heard the sound of my weeping. (10) Hashem has heard my plea; Hashem will accept my prayer. (11) They will be ashamed and will be utterly astounded. When all my enemies return, they will be ashamed for a while.
 פרק 20/כ         
(א) לַמְנַצֵּחַ מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד:
 (ב) יַעַנְךָ ה' בְּיוֹם צָרָה יְשַׂגֶּבְךָ שֵׁם אֱלֹקֵי יַעֲקֹב:
 (ג) יִשְׁלַח עֶזְרְךָ מִקֹּדֶשׁ וּמִצִּיּוֹן יִסְעָדֶךָּ:
 (ד) יִזְכֹּר כָּל מִנְחֹתֶךָ וְעוֹלָתְךָ יְדַשְּׁנֶה סֶלָה:
 (ה) יִתֶּן לְךָ כִלְבָבֶךָ וְכָל עֲצָתְךָ יְמַלֵּא:
 (ו) נְרַנְּנָה בִּישׁוּעָתֶךָ וּבְשֵׁם אֱלֹקֵינוּ נִדְגֹּל, יְמַלֵּא ה' כָּל מִשְׁאֲלוֹתֶיךָ:
(ז) עַתָּה יָדַעְתִּי כִּי הוֹשִׁיעַ ה' מְשִׁיחוֹ יַעֲנֵהוּ מִשְּׁמֵי קָדְשׁוֹ בִּגְבֻרוֹת יֵשַׁע יְמִינוֹ:
 (ח) אֵלֶּה בָרֶכֶב


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