Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 26 Tammuz 5781/July 6, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 6, 2021, 4:19 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 26 Tammuz 5781/July 6, 2021
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
July 6, 2021 - 26 Tammuz 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel is pleased to present a worldwide broadcast of the siyum on meseches Yuma from Camp Agudah Midwest. See below for more details and how to join.

  • While it is still an uphill battle, Agudath Israel of America applauds the United States grant of an emergency visa to Alta Fixsler, a 2-year-old girl in the U.K. at risk of being removed from life support. See below for more information.

  • Towards the end of May, the Constituent Services Department of Agudath Israel received an urgent call from David. David is a student in middle of a Ph.D. residency, who was being forced to attend a Shabbos class or risk being expelled from his program. See below to read how our Constituent Services department resolved this issue.

  • The daily shiurim from the Torah Projects Commission will be on topics appropriate for the Bein Hametzarim continues this week. Please see below for this week's schedule.
Worldwide Live Broadcast of Siyum on Meseches Yuma
The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel is pleased to present a worldwide broadcast of the siyum on meseches Yuma from Camp Agudah Midwest.

Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Levin, Rosh HaYeshiva, Telshe Chicago, and Rabbi Yitzchok Margareten, Rav, K'hal Shomre Shabbos, Magid Shiur Daf Yomi, Cleveland Heights, will address the siyum.

The siyum will be on Thursday, July 8, at 8:15 PM EDT. The livestream will be available on TorahAnytime.com/AgudahTorah or by calling 718-298-2077 x 52.
Senator Schumer Helps Obtain Visa for 2-Year-Old on Life Support; Uphill Battle for U.K. to Release
Agudath Israel of America applauds the United States grant of an emergency visa to Alta Fixsler, a 2-year-old girl in the U.K. at risk of being removed from life support by the hospital, against the objection of her parents and against their firmly held religious beliefs.
While the visa grant is an important step for little Alta and her family, a U.K. court has already stated that Alta's life-sustaining care should be withdrawn, as they have determined it is in her "best interests" because she has "no prospect of recovery" and that she is in pain. Therefore, unless the U.K. appeals court overturns this position, or the U.K. government allows Alta to be cared for in another country, this difficult case remains an uphill battle.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer has taken an active role in the case, including intervening to obtain the emergency visa for Alta.
Leading askonim in the U.S. reached out to the Senator, and have been working alongside an ad hoc coalition of community leaders in the U.K and Israel, including members of Agudath Israel of America and Chayim Aruchim, to pursue every avenue for Alta.  
"The United States government has made a bold statement today. A statement that values life, that values parental autonomy over governmental paternalism, and a statement that recognizes a sincerely held religious belief.
We sincerely hope that the U.K. government will respond in kind," said Rabbi Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel. 
Constituent Services Helps a Ph.D. Resident Keep Shabbos 
Towards the end of May, the Constituent Services Department of Agudath Israel received an urgent call from David. David is a student in middle of a Ph.D. residency, who was being forced to attend a Shabbos class or risk being expelled from his program. 

David told us that he was being required to participate in a week-long Zoom seminar starting on Shabbos, June 12. He had already politely asked his professors to provide alternate arrangements for him, as attending Zoom on Shabbos would violate his religious beliefs, but the college was unwilling to make any adjustments to accommodate his religious needs. 

In addition to contacting the college directly, the Agudah Constituent Services department recommended a lawyer for David to call and promised to stay in touch with him on a daily basis. 

David consulted with two lawyers who worked hard to help him. One of them wrote a letter to the Assistant Attorney General in the state where the college is located. 

But on Tuesday, June 8, the Assistant Attorney General responded to his request for accommodation by stating that the university had worked to find a reasonable accommodation for his religious beliefs that did not present an undue burden or alter the program. However, the parties were unable to identify such an accommodation and therefore denied his request. 

David was understandably upset and contacted us again. He had invested a great deal of time and resources in this doctoral program, and he did not want to be disqualified and forfeit his degree. 

On Wednesday, June 9, Rabbi Mordechai Biser, special counsel for Agudath Israel, wrote a letter to the university administration: 

To Whom It May Concern;  

"I am writing on behalf of David… David is an Orthodox Jew who is a student at your university. Agudath Israel of America is a national Orthodox Jewish advocacy organization and I serve as one of its attorneys. 

David T. is an Orthodox Jew who adheres to Jewish law. As a Sabbath observer, he is prohibited by Jewish law from using Zoom or speaking into a microphone or using any other electronic device on the Jewish Sabbath. 

We respectfully request that you respect David's religious rights and make arrangements for him to fulfill his course requirements without forcing him to violate his religious observance… 

We are requesting your understanding in the spirit of inclusion and religious tolerance to please accommodate David's religious needs 

Thanking you in advance, 


Rabbi Mordechai Biser 

Special Counsel 

Out of other options, David purchased a ticket with the intention of flying to the college Thursday night to try to personally speak to the professors. 

On Thursday afternoon, as he was packing for his flight, he received a surprise email from the Assistant Attorney General. The email said that the university had agreed to rearrange the schedule for the Saturday and Sunday portions of the intensive residency week such that David could complete his requirements in a manner that aligned with his religious beliefs. 

David could not believe his eyes. He did not have to travel to the college. He could fulfill his college requirements online without undue hardship and stress and be able to observe Shabbos. 

He emailed us: 

"I am tremendously surprised at this. I had booked a ticket and was going to take off at 4 pm today when I got this…" 

And, as one of his lawyers wrote: 

"Baruch Hashem, the good guys actually do win sometimes." 
Iyunim B'Bein Hametzarim
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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