Monday, November 13, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] Hakhel Community Awareness Bulletin - Chesed Shel Emes

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Hakhel Community Awareness Bulletin - Chesed Shel Emes

29 MarCheshvan 5784





It is a time of suffering for the Jewish nation – may the suffering be the source of salvation; the strength of the Jewish people is only through prayer.

Because of the difficult situation now in Eretz Yisroel, where fear threatens within and without, we call to our brothers in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora, to gather this Monday, erev Rosh Chodesh Kislev:

Men, women, and children, to cry out and to pray, and to awaken repentance, each congregation according to its custom, with recitation of Tehillim, or, to those with the custom, with the prayers of Yom Kippur Koton, which have the power to annul difficult decrees.

People should gather to pray in multitudes, in Kollel, yeshivas (for both older and younger students), in shuls, and in Bais Yaakov and seminaries (from 7th grade and above). Women should endeavor to gather in ezros nashim in shuls. Anyone who is not able to join in person, should join together with Klal Yisroel's prayer from wherever they are.

We can rely only on our Father in Heaven, Who does not spurn the prayers of the many. May He listen to the sound of our supplication and favor us with great mercy and everlasting salvation.


Moatzos Gedolei HaTorah of Eretz Yisroel/Degel HaTorah/Agudas Yisroel/Chachmei HaTorah

We also join in the above proclamation.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America




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Today is Yom Kippur Koton, and tomorrow, Rosh Chodesh Kislev will mark two months since Rosh Hashana. Yom Kippur Koton is a special time for Teshuvah. As we are less than thirty (30) days from Chanukah, we should be actively thinking about a short-term goal before Chanukah. Just to reiterate two very important possible Kabbalos:


1.     As Yitzchak Avinu established Mincha and Chazal teach us of the special importance of Mincha through Eliyahu HaNavi, one should try in some way to improve Kavannah in his Tefillas Mincha.


2.     Once again, we remind you that it is said of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Z'tl, that as he davened, he pointed with his finger in the siddur to assist with Kavanna. One should endeavor to do this for at least a part of each davening.


We welcome our readers suggestions as to other Kabbala thoughts during these times.


Yeshayahu HaNavi (1:27) reveals to us: "Tzion BaMishpat Tipadeh VeShaveha B'Tzedakah--we will be redeemed through justice and through Tzedakah." We are all familiar with the importance of giving Tzedakah for the sake of Geulah. But how does the first part of the Pasuk relating to 'judging' apply to us on a daily basis as well? Every day, we are engaged in the process of judging other people. Let us be sure at the outset to judge them favorably. The better, the more attentive, the more consistent we are with Judging Others Favorably, the faster we can bring Moshiach—and that one act of yours in the next few days, few hours or few minutes—could be the one that brings us home--PISOM! Imagine the Moshiach telling you that you fulfilled your part--in both parts of the Pasuk!


"Aimless surfing, compulsive news checking, and excessive preoccupation with email and messaging are some examples of "digital pull" with which we are familiar. The direct outcome of this is that all of the quality activities in which we need and want to engage must compete against the powerful influence of "digital pull."


The negative consequences of "digital pull" are experienced in two ways. Digital pursuits of little or no value rob us of time better spent learning, in pursuit of parnassah, engaging with family, and a host of other worthwhile pursuits. Additionally, even while engaged in truly valuable activities we often succumb to the commands/enticements borne to us through pings and vibrations." [Excerpted from The Evolving Digital Challenge by Rabbi Nechemiah Gottlieb, Shlita].



For most, the first bracha they will recite in the morning, is the bracha of Ahl Netilas Yadayim. The Sha'ar HaKavanos writes that there are thirteen words in this bracha, corresponding to the thirteen Middos of Rachamim from Hashem. Have this in mind…a tefillah for Hashem's mercy…as you start your day!


The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (18:12) rules that a lefty when taking the three steps back at the end of Shemone Esrei should take his first step back with his right foot (which is his weaker foot, just as a righty takes his first step back with his left foot to demonstrate that it is difficult for him to leave his position standing before Hashem). B'EH we hope to once again provide a brief series on special Halachos for lefties in the coming days. 


As may be known to you, today is the fifteenth Yahrzeit of the Mumbai Kedoshim. We provide their names below, and ask that whatever you do for them as Karbanos on behalf of K'lal Yisroel-whether it is Tehillim, Mishnayos, Tzedaka, etc., please do it separately for each one--as each one had his/her own precious neshama. The names are R' Gavriel B'R' Nachman (the Shaliach), Rivka Bas R'Shimon (his Rebbitzen), R'Aryeh Leibush B'R' Nachum, R' Ben Zion B'R' Chaim Zvi, Yocheved Bas R' Yaakov and Norma (Nechama) Bas Avrohom. May Hashem Avenge their Blood--and may we see the fulfillment of the words of Devorim 32:43 speedily and in our day!


Hakhel Note: At a Hakhel gathering at that time in memory of the Mumbai Kedoshim, HaRav Shmuel Dishon, Shlita, pointed out that the kedoshim were killed in the week of Parashas Toldos. The Parasha, in one Pasuk, remarkably teaches us both the proper and improper reaction to the tragedy. The Pasuk states "VaYazed Yaakov Nazid--and Yaakov prepared a stew," and Eisav came in from the field and he was exhausted (Bereishis 25:29). Chazal teach that Avrohom Avinu, the Gadol HaDor, was just taken from this world, and, in the aftermath of his passing, Yaakov Avinu prepared a Seudas Havra'ah to comfort and to give chizuk for his father Yitzchak, understanding that Avrohom's Petira was HaKadosh Baruch Hu's will, and that it would be up to those remaining to carry on what Avrohom Avinu represented and stood for. Eisav, on the other hand, was exhausted from the gross aveiros that he committed upon hearing of Avrohom's passing, responding to the tragedy with despair and dejection. This is a great lesson to all of us in these last years of exile. Our reaction to the tragic events that occur in Galus prior to our ultimate Yeshuah should not, c'v be of a weakening in Emunah, a "there's nothing you can do" attitude, a ye'ush, a disregard of what happened as if it were not a message from Hashem. Rather, our conduct should be like that of Yaakov Avinu, strengthening our Emunah and embracing and strengthening the sacred trust that we have in these turbulent times.


A. We learn that Yitzchok Avinu was consoled after the passing of his mother (Bereishis 24:16). In fact, the Rambam brings the mitzvah of performing Chesed, which is based upon "V'Ahavta Lereacha Komocha," in Hilchos Aveil, the Laws of Mourning (14:1). When one properly comforts a mourner, he is doing a Chesed to both the living, and the departed (ibid., 14:7). As great as providing comfort may be, finding the right words to say may be even more difficult. The Rema (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 376:2) importantly tells us what one should not say. "Do not say, however, 'What can one do, one cannot change what happened,' for that is not consolation but blasphemy." The Aruch HaShulchan (ibid., at paragraph 5 ) explains that making such a statement implies that you must resign yourself to what happened against your will, rather than comforting the mourner with words of faith, with words that Hashem loves us all and that only He, in His infinite wisdom knows what is best. HaRav Shamshon Refoel Hirsch, Z'TL, echoes this thought and adds that it "is the murmuring of the helpless against his helplessness, not the recognition of the blessed wisdom of G-d" (Horeb page 433, cited in Love Your Neighbor, page 93). HaRav Feivel Cohen, Shlita, in Badei HaShulchan on Hilchos Aveilus (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 376:2, seif 27) extends this thought and writes that it is prohibited to make any kind of statement such as "What can one do?" to anyone who is in any kind of difficult situation, in any Tzara, whatsoever. Obviously, one can daven, learn Torah, do mitzvos and especially Chesed, as a zechus for oneself or others--but one should never c'v, question Hashem's Supreme Judgment.


B. The Chofetz Chaim in the Sefer Ahavas Chesed (2:15) brings the words of the Shelah HaKadosh-one who gives tzedaka for the soul of a departed one-even if he is unrelated (provided that the deceased is not a rasha) has certainly accomplished a "hatzola gedola", a great salvation, and nachas ruach to the neshama. He continues that if a person has departed this world without descendants, then one should attempt to provide for him with a "mitzvah hakavuah ledoros", a lasting mitzvah, for his neshamah. If one cannot do this, one should at least buy a sefer needed by the tzibur (such as one's shul) and write the deceased's name in the sefer-and EVERY TIME one learns from the sefer-it brings nachas ruach to the niftar.


By doing Chesed for a departed soul, we perform an ultimate chesed-because we do mitzvos for him in this world-the world of mitzvah performance-which he is unable to perform.


As Naomi said about Boaz "Blessed is he to Hashem, he has not failed to perform chesed to the living and to the deceased (Megilas Rus 2:20)."


It is important to note that the Rambam brings the Halachos of Chesed, which are all derived from the mitzvah of V'Ahavta L'reiacha Kamocha, in Hilchos Avail (the Laws of Mourning), Chapter 14. Perhaps this is because the most Chesed, both quantitatively and qualitatively, can be performed for and on behalf of, the departed.


PRACTICAL SUGGESTION: Think of someone, who need not be a relative, who perished in the Holocaust, or in Eretz Yisroel in a terrorist bombing or in war, and learn a Mishnah, give tzedakah, or buy a sefer needed by your shul on his or her behalf [perhaps on a periodic basis].


The second bracha of Shemone Esrei is known as 'Gevuros', which is the Middah of Yitzchak Avinu. Techiyas Hameisim (which may be a part of the Akeidah)

is also known as 'Gevuros', for in this bracha we demonstrate HaKadosh Boruch Hu's absolute Omnipotence.


The Ritva (Taanis 2A) notes that the concept of Techiyas HaMeisim is mentioned four (4) times in this bracha. While Techiyas HaMeisim is certainly unparalleled gevuros--why need it be mentioned four different times within one short bracha? As we know, the Anshei K'nesses HaGedola compiled each bracha B'Ruach HaKadosh, and each word is very literally counted and deeply meaningful (see the remarkable words of the Aruch HaShulchan, Orach Chayim 112:4,5).


In response to this question, the Ritva teaches that in fact there is no reiteration here at all. Rather, there are four separate and distinct forms of Techiyas HaMeisim mentioned in this bracha:


FIRST: "Mechaye Meisim Ata Rav L'Hoshia" is immediately followed by Morid HaGeshem, because this phase refers to Hashem's bringing us to life with proper rain, which bring us our food and sustenance.


SECOND: "Mechaye Meisim B'Rachamim Rabim" (which is followed by Somech Noflim) refers to people who are seriously or even deathly ill whom HaKadosh Boruch Hu brings back to life through miraculous healing power.


THIRD: "Melech Meimis U'Mechaye" refers to the departed whom the Neviim (such as Eliyahu HaNavi and Elisha HaNavi) helped bring back to life, and additionally to those whom Hashem brings to life "B'Olom HaNeshomos" (obviously this is a niftar concept).


FOURTH: "V'Neeman Ata L'Hachayos Meisim" refers to the ultimate Techiyas HaMeisim, which we all anxiously await.


We see here how Hashem's greatest gevuros have always been with us, are currently with us and will in the future be with us, as well.


PRACTICAL SUGGESTION: During the week in which Yitzchak Avinu comes to the fore as the successor of Avrohom Avinu, we should especially appreciate the Middah of Gevurah of Hashem that Yitzchak Avinu did, by stopping at each of the four references to Techiyas HaMeisim and thinking for a second about its particular meaning.

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