Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Fwd: Political Action & The Future of the American Jewish Community

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 14, 2023, 11:00 AM
Subject: Political Action & The Future of the American Jewish Community
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University Stands Together With Israel

Click here for resources, materials and recordings about the current situation in Israel. Please have in mind for all the learning on YUTorah to be a merit for the Jewish community in Israel and around the world, and be a protection for the IDF soldiers and captives currently in danger.

November 14-20 • Kislev 1-7

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

in loving memory of Tobias (Teddy) Berman, טוביה בן הרב חנוך ז"ל

in loving memory of Eveline Kranzler, חיה לאה בת הרב אהרן ע"ה whose 8th Yarzheit is today כ"ה חשון, by her family

by Avi & Aleeza Lauer and Mordechai and Astrid Leifer and Joey & Tina Orlian      commemorating the 35th yahrzeit of their dear friend Gary Slochowsky, a'h

by the Zerykier and Goldenberg families l'ilui nishmas Miriam bas Aryeh Leib Fingergutt

New This Week


Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman

The Future of the American Jewish Community and College Campuses

Listen to Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman mark the 1st yahrtzeit of his father.

Listen Now

Rabbi Reuven Brand

The Rally in Washington: Then and Now

Putting the large rally for Israel in historical perspective.

Listen Now

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman

Introduction to Nezikin: Building The Jewish Community

A special talk in honor of the new seder of the daf yomi cycle.

Listen Now

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Elevating Shabbos in Times of Tzarah

The importance of appreciation of Shabbos as an appropriate response to the difficulties Klal Yisrael is facing.

Listen Now

Rabbi Michael Rosensweig

Perspectives on Encountering and Responding to Evil in the World

Looking to the Torah to differentiate between the different enemies the Jewish people have had throughout history.

Listen Now

Rabbi Shay Schachter

The Galus Jew and His Outlook Toward Attending Rallies, Political Activism, Voting, Civic Duty

Balancing the values of trusting in Hashem and doing our part to help Israel.

Listen Now

Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg

Hashra'as Hashechina and the Rally in Washington: Holiness and Strength in Numbers

In addition to the importance of political action, what's the importance of large numbers of Jews getting together?

Listen Now

Rabbi Michoel Zylberman

Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz's Sichos Mussar During the Yom Kippur War

The messages from 50 years ago are still relevant to today's situation in Israel.

Listen Now

Featured This Week

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