Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Fwd: Watch: Harav Elya Brudny shlit"a - Our Commitment To You

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, Nov 1, 2023, 10:12 AM
Subject: Watch: Harav Elya Brudny shlit"a - Our Commitment To You
To: <>


"I could say safely that thousands that are displaced and are not at home and are living in difficult circumstances... like the Agudah knows how to do and has done in the past so many times in times of crisis... addressing the need... we are giving our commitment..."

Harav Elya Brudny shlit"a

We've all been bombarded with news and pleas for donations from Eretz Yisroel. How to help and make a difference is the question?

Rav Brudny shlita, clearly says that the answer lies with the one relief fund that is backed by the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, the relief fund launched by Agudas Yisroel. 

Agudas Yisroel identified the group of acheinu whose needs are not yet being met, and with the full support of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, they embarked on a mission to provide immediate and long term relief to families who are lacking the very basics of daily living.

The lives of our brothers in Eretz Yisroel will never be the same, but with your help we can ease their daily suffering and give them the strength and the means to move forward. 

 Heed the call of our gedolim who are pleading with us to help families whose lives have been torn apart. Join Agudas Yisroel and directly impact Yidden who have been ripped from their homes. Together we can support them in their pain, and together we can lift them back up.

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