Thursday, November 2, 2023

Fwd: We Need You In Washington; Making Support for Israel Last; Elevators and Shabbat

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 8:22 PM
Subject: We Need You In Washington; Making Support for Israel Last; Elevators and Shabbat
To: <>

Late for shul? Or maybe you just daven at your own pace. Use this handy chart to learn what you can answer when you're in a different part of the service than the rest of the minyan.
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November 3-4, 2023 / 20 Cheshvan 5784


II Kings 4:1-37

featured icon FEATURED
Massive Rally for Israel – Join Us in DC November 14 at 1 PM
Massive Rally for Israel – Join Us in D.C. November 14 at 1 PM

On Tuesday, November 14, at 1:00 PM on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., there will be a massive rally of support for the State of Israel and American Jews.


You and your voice need to be there for Am Yisrael.
You and your voice need to be there for the State of Israel.
You and your voice need to be there for American Jewry.
You and your voice need to be there for America.


Help your shul organize. Help your school organize. Help your neighborhood organize. Make plans today to be there. Parents, bring your children of all ages to be part of this critical and historic gathering. Together, we can make our voices heard.

Finding Our Moral Voice
Finding Our Moral Voice
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

What do you do when the society in which you live seems to have lost its way? How do you respond when the world seems to have lost its moral compass? Is there anything to do or say when educational institutions cannot tell or teach right from wrong?

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Help Out Beyond the Front Lines
Here's How You Can Help Beyond the Front Lines
Orthodox Union

Discover the many ways you can help our brothers and sisters in Israel–reciting Tehillim, displaying support for Israel on social media, supporting the efforts of OU Israel and more.

Find Out More
Updates and Chizuk
Orthodox Union
Updates and Chizuk

Watch a recording of this week's chizuk call with Rabbi Avrohom Weinrib, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs and Rabbi Rael Blumenthal, rabbinic leaders who participated in the OU Synagogue Initiatives mission to Israel this past week.

Watch Now
Making Support for Israel Last
Maury Litwack
Making Support for Israel Last

Many in our community have been surprised and thrilled by the number of bipartisan local, state, and federal elected officials who have publicly condemned Hamas. Unfortunately, this will not last.

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Israel During Crisis: Finding Unity In Darkness
OU Israel
Israel During Crisis: Finding Unity In Darkness

Despite the fact that the tragic events of Simchat Torah, October 7, introduced such pain and sorrow to the Jewish people, the outpouring of love, support, and action from Jews all over the world has been unparalleled.

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at Teach Florida Breakfast
Teach Florida
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at Teach Florida Breakfast

Gov. DeSantis expressed support for Israel and condemned pro-Palestinian groups when he addressed the Teach Florida Annual Legislative Breakfast in Davie, FL, earlier this week.

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Eruv Conference
Torah Initiatives
Eruv Conference

The OU and partners hosted an unprecedented City Eruv Conference for industry professionals this past week.

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Adopt-a-Shiva Initiative
Karasick Synagogue Initiatives
Adopt-a-Shiva Initiative

Karasick Synagogue Initiatives is pairing North American communities with bereaved families in Israel. Please encourage your local shul and school leaders to sign up, involving your community in writing condolence letters to be personally delivered to those in mourning.

Sign Up Here
The Eshet Chayil Initiative
Women's Initiative
The Eshet Chayil Initiative

Reach out – support the wives of soldiers serving in the IDF.

View Flyer
All Daf Siyumim in Israel
All Daf
All Daf Siyumim in Israel

All Daf held two siyumim in Eretz Yisrael this past week as we finished Seder Nashim and half of Shas. The new Beis Halevi Bitachon series with Rabbi David Sutton will be launched on Monday, November 6. Sign up for the WhatsApp group to receive all the videos directly!

View Photos From the Siyum
Sign Up for the Beis Halevi Bitachon WhatsApp Group
Parkinson's Support Groups

SPIRIT is forming support groups for persons with Parkinson's and their carepartners. People with Parkinson's (PWP) will meet Monday evenings at 7:30 PM EDT, and for carepartners on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM EDT.

Register Here
Keeping Strong Together: Let's Talk . . .
Wednesday, November 8, at 12 Noon EST

How are we coping in these difficult times? Join us for this "Let's Talk" session to share your experiences, learn from others, and receive support from others in similar situations.

Register Here
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L'Kadsho: Learning Shabbos, Living Shabbos
L'Kadsho: Learning Shabbos, Living Shabbos

L'Kadsho presents a new series: Tzurba Hilchos Shabbos, featuring Rabbi Shalom Rosner! Plus: Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz on elevators on Shabbos, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon on avoiding anger erev Shabbos, Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on the permissibility of making instant noodle soup, and Rabbi Reuven Brand on the importance of one's Shabbos makom.

Learn Now
Chesed in Action
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Chesed in Action

The Ramban in last week's parsha famously states that ma'aseh avot siman labanim – that the deeds of our forefathers (and foremothers) are a portent for their children.

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Avraham's Challenges
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Avraham's Challenges

Two challenges form the bookends of the story of Avraham, both beginning with the words "Lech lecha." One confronted Avraham's past, and the other, his future.

Read in Hebrew
Putting a Bad Conscience to Use
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l
Putting a Bad Conscience to Use

A bad conscience irritates the mind and the heart, until that bad conscience is either repressed or converted into something creative and constructive.

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You're Late for Shul!
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
You're Late for Shul!

Late for shul? Or maybe you just daven at your own pace. Use this handy chart to learn what you can answer when you're in a different part of the service than the rest of the minyan.

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The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation

It is the hardest passage of all, one that seems to defy understanding: "Take your son, your only one, the one whom you love – Isaac – and go to the land of Moriah. There, offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, the one that I will show you."

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Optimism Pays
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Optimism Pays

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